Dodgy Work Units


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Got some new WUs earlier today and noticed that they were scheduled to run for only about 10% of the time of the WUs I've been getting for the last few weeks.

They are all headed something like this

FAHV_ x3NF6_ A_ IN_ LEDGF_ 0049786_ 0757_

I knew that the first one started this afternoon but when I checked a few hours later I noticed that the same WU was running but had only registered a few minutes of run time. When it reached 3 mins 15 seconds it went back to zero and then did the same every time it got to 3m 15s.

So, I aborted it and ran another one with a similar heading and that did the exact same thing. And another one then did it too.

I've now aborted all of this group and am crunching normally again with the longer WUs with headings like this

faah43856_ ZINC08704291_ 1_ xPR_ wC6_ 11_ 1ref9_

I wondered if anyone else had this problem?

Also if you have any of these short WUs with the top heading just check that they are actually running properly. :)
For the past couple of days i've only been getting fightaids@home work units nothing else

none of the ones I have here correspond to the one you mentioned though

Actually I stand corrected mate. Went though logs I have several of those but they all completed fine
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I had short ones and they finished fine on my computer. I also installed it on my Galaxy S4 and it started crunching with the work units. These small work units are meant for the android phones I guess, as mine is chugging along and two work units are almost done in about 1 hour on my phone, one is showing 82 % and the other 68.2 %.

All good at my end. :cool:
The ordinary 'faah' WUs are crunching normally, but not the 'FAHV' WUs, which just keep re-starting after just a couple of minutes. It's as if they're caught in a never-ending loop.

It looks as if the only way to prevent them from delaying the 'good' WUs, is to abort them manually. (Bit of a pain, but not much point in wasting so much time and energy on them.)

Thanks for the heads-up Niv. When you first posted, the newer units were still way down the list of jobs here, so only knew there was a problem late last night. :mad:
a 'fix' has been issued, automatically, however, it may need fixing also ... in the meantime, I'm playing a game that automatically suspends Bonkit from running ... :)
Looks like the fix has worked.

I've just completed a FAHV task without any problems. I'll see how the next one goes. :)
It was necessary to abort a batch which were pretty obviously not going to progress, so that the remaining "normal" WUs could crunch away unhindered.

FAHVs continued to be downloaded, of course, so I kept an eye on them, and weeded out a further couple that were still problematic. But the "fixed" units finally came through, nine of which, have already been crunched without any hiccups. Yay. :thumb: