What folders in Documents and settings can be deleted if there is only one
user and that use has adminsitrative privilges
user and that use has adminsitrative privilges
Be careful there Rick, Outlook/Outlook Express along with other
personalized application data is stored there by user. The OP could
inadvertently delete his/her mailbox, address book, etc.
Richard Urban said:I wasn't going to tell him not to delete anything, because he seems bent on
doing it anyway! If he deletes something he finds he needs.......... -
well, we all learn from doing that. On the other hand, if a person protects
themselves they can delete "anything". (-:
There was another post today, in different group, where a guy decided to
clean up his system32 folder a bit. Now many of his desktop icons no
longer work. Go figure!
Richard Urban
If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!
"Star Fleet Admiral Q"
John said:I am the only user and I Have (1) Administrator (2)All Users (3)Default User
(4) John (5).
Why do you need all this redunant junk?