I would really appreciate someones help here!
I turned on my computer yesterday, tried to open my Documents folde
and that is the message I get (in the subject).
So Windows or something has seemingly robbed me of all my Documents!
would really appreciate help in recovering this folder if possible.
I have tried going to the Backup and Restore centre, which says ther
are no backups of files on this computer.
I have also tried from here to do a System Restore, but in attemptin
this I get the message:
"The disk Vista (C
has errors.
Windows has detected file system corruption on Vista (C
. You mus
check the disk for errors before it can be restored."
I then click the option to check the disk for errors, before it inform
me that it cannot do this while the disk is in use and schedules one fo
when I next start windows, yet when I restart nothing seems to hav
been checked and my Documents folder is still corrupt and missing!
Would really appreciate some help here!
Thank you in advance
I turned on my computer yesterday, tried to open my Documents folde
and that is the message I get (in the subject).
So Windows or something has seemingly robbed me of all my Documents!
would really appreciate help in recovering this folder if possible.
I have tried going to the Backup and Restore centre, which says ther
are no backups of files on this computer.
I have also tried from here to do a System Restore, but in attemptin
this I get the message:
"The disk Vista (C

Windows has detected file system corruption on Vista (C

check the disk for errors before it can be restored."
I then click the option to check the disk for errors, before it inform
me that it cannot do this while the disk is in use and schedules one fo
when I next start windows, yet when I restart nothing seems to hav
been checked and my Documents folder is still corrupt and missing!
Would really appreciate some help here!
Thank you in advance