That's what it looks like to me. When I first installed Vista (clean with
my XP drives offline) it created the Documents and Settings folder. I
don't believe it showed up until I changed the folder options to show
everything (system files and all.) I couldn't access them either, got the
UAC message, etc. I turned off UAC and fiddled with the permissions. I
still get errors that I can change them but somehow I'm able to access
Digging deeper I access the videos folder for my account under the
Documents and Settings folder structure and created a file. That file
exists in the Users structure as well.
This reminds me of the soft links you can setup in UNIX. I wasn't aware
the same could be done in Windows (at least not easily.) Maybe this is
new or I just never knew it could be done. It makes sense though. It's a
good way to insure backwards compatibility with a number of application
that expect the Documents and Settings folder. I don't know why MS felt
this should be changed, it was confusing at first. It makes sense and
maybe in the future they can handle this in the registry without having to
show the soft links.
Ben Griffiths said:
Also, to clear up any misunderstanding:
I've done a completely new installation on a different hard drive to my
installation. I have a dual boot system.
This Documents and Settings surely must be part of Vista?
Instrestingly enough, the files I wanted do seem to be located under
/user/[a user]/AppData
Rather than Application Data or Documents and Settings folders which,
closer inspection are actually shortcuts, though i cannot dtermine their
Ben Griffiths said:
I belive I tried that at the time and recieved exactly the same
warning. Though, I cannot remember.
Try AppData instead of Application Data. There are similar new folders
the others. I think it's part of the new security regime (and probably
keep programs from hardcoding the paths to these folders instead of
the APIs and envars).
After finally managing to enable the Administrator account, I still
apparently don't have permission to access the Documents and
Neither can I access the Application Data in my User folder.
So far, Vista is being extremely resrictive... I don't suppose there
is a
'Let me in' tick box anywhere? Alternatively, how can I actually
to these folders? Vista advises me to use the Security tab, but one
'Apply' any changes you make.