jreid15 said:
In my Documents and Settings I have the following:
All Users
Default User
It seems installed programs have set stuff all over any of the first
four. I'd like to get everything into 'Sam'. Can I delete any of the
others? 'Sam' has administrator rights.
I only have Administrator and 'Sam' as users. (Guest is turned off)
Not the way things work.
Leave them alone.. You'll be better off.
Windows XP is a multi-user OS, even when used by one person only, the
fundamentals don't change.
Documents and Settings is the directory that contains your user
information/documents/etc. It also contains a few extra directories used by
One is "Default User" - This is used whenever a new account is created. It
bases the initial setup of that account off this directory.
Another is "All Users" - This is used by.. all users. If you want something
to appear on the desktop of every user of the machine, you put it on this
users desktop (in the desktop folder.) Etc.
You may also see "Administrator" - depending on your setup, this is the
original administrator user and if you know that account's password, you
should leave him alone and use him only in an emergency.
You could also (if you have it where you can see ALL files) see
"LocalService" and "NetworkService" folders. These are service accounts,
normally unused by the standard user.
How To Create a Custom Default User Profile
HOW TO: Create and Configure User Accounts in Windows XP
HOW TO: Set, View, Change, or Remove Special Permissions for Files and
Folders in Windows XP
Doug's Windows XP Security Console