Dana DeLouis
Hello. I backed up my C drive recently to an external Hard Drive.
Specifically, the folder
C:\Documents and Settings\User
This is the only account I have on the computer.
I can not access this folder anymore, and it has 100's of important files.
I just realized I can not access these files on the external hard drive
Both give me a "Access is Denied" message.
Why can't I access the files on the Hard Drive?
How can I access these files from the external hard drive to restore them to
C:\Documents and Settings\User ?
When this folder gets saved, is there a code I must use to access the files?
When I do a clean install of the computer, the computer will have a new
Administrator file. Will I definitely not be able to access the files on
the External hard drive then?
Thank you very much for any help.
I am really mad at not being able to access the files that I have backed up.
Sounds like a big problem. I hate Microsofts kb articles that make it sound
C:\Documents and Settings\User is just an ordinary file that is easy to
backup and restore.
Specifically, the folder
C:\Documents and Settings\User
This is the only account I have on the computer.
I can not access this folder anymore, and it has 100's of important files.
I just realized I can not access these files on the external hard drive
Both give me a "Access is Denied" message.
Why can't I access the files on the Hard Drive?
How can I access these files from the external hard drive to restore them to
C:\Documents and Settings\User ?
When this folder gets saved, is there a code I must use to access the files?
When I do a clean install of the computer, the computer will have a new
Administrator file. Will I definitely not be able to access the files on
the External hard drive then?
Thank you very much for any help.
I am really mad at not being able to access the files that I have backed up.
Sounds like a big problem. I hate Microsofts kb articles that make it sound
C:\Documents and Settings\User is just an ordinary file that is easy to
backup and restore.