Harry Pfleger
I have some issues with the structure of c:\users\<username>...
What's the right way to handle this structure when using policy.
Some of our folders within the structure are set by gpo.
But it seems that they do not fit together.
Why is it, that I get a "Documents" and a "My Documents" folder...
Thankx, Cheers Harry
In Windows Explorer in the Path: Deskop\<my name> I see the following:
Contacts (new (green) icon) does contain data pointing to server
Contacts (standard yellow icon) empty pointing local
Deskop (new (green) icon) OK pointing local
Documents (new (green) icon) empty pointing local
Downloads (new (green) icon) empty pointing to server
Favorites (new (green) icon) OK pointing to server
Links (new (green) icon) OK pointing to server
My Documents (standard yellow icon) data pointing to server
My Music (standard yellow icon) data pointing to server
My Pictures (standard yellow icon) data pointing to server
Saved Games (new (green) icon) empty pointing local
Searches (new (green) icon) empty pointing local
Videos (new (green) icon) data pointing to server
In Windows Explorer in the Path: c:\users\<username> I see the following:
Contacts (standard yellow icon)
Deskop (new (green) icon)
Documents (new (green) icon)
Saved Games (new (green) icon)
Searches (new (green) icon)
Why do I have two Contacts?
Who can I get rid of "Contacts" local = combing with Contacts from server.
Keeping the new (green) icon.
Why is Documents empty?
I'd like Documents point to the user profile on the server
Get rid of "My Documents" and only use Documents (name and icon)
How can I get rid of "My Documents"
How can I get rid of "My Music" because it's in "My Documents"
How can I get rid of "My Pictures" because it's in "My Documents"
How can I get rid of "Videos" because it's in "My Documents"
What's the right way to handle this structure when using policy.
Some of our folders within the structure are set by gpo.
But it seems that they do not fit together.
Why is it, that I get a "Documents" and a "My Documents" folder...
Thankx, Cheers Harry
In Windows Explorer in the Path: Deskop\<my name> I see the following:
Contacts (new (green) icon) does contain data pointing to server
Contacts (standard yellow icon) empty pointing local
Deskop (new (green) icon) OK pointing local
Documents (new (green) icon) empty pointing local
Downloads (new (green) icon) empty pointing to server
Favorites (new (green) icon) OK pointing to server
Links (new (green) icon) OK pointing to server
My Documents (standard yellow icon) data pointing to server
My Music (standard yellow icon) data pointing to server
My Pictures (standard yellow icon) data pointing to server
Saved Games (new (green) icon) empty pointing local
Searches (new (green) icon) empty pointing local
Videos (new (green) icon) data pointing to server
In Windows Explorer in the Path: c:\users\<username> I see the following:
Contacts (standard yellow icon)
Deskop (new (green) icon)
Documents (new (green) icon)
Saved Games (new (green) icon)
Searches (new (green) icon)
Why do I have two Contacts?
Who can I get rid of "Contacts" local = combing with Contacts from server.
Keeping the new (green) icon.
Why is Documents empty?
I'd like Documents point to the user profile on the server
Get rid of "My Documents" and only use Documents (name and icon)
How can I get rid of "My Documents"
How can I get rid of "My Music" because it's in "My Documents"
How can I get rid of "My Pictures" because it's in "My Documents"
How can I get rid of "Videos" because it's in "My Documents"