Documentor - Paperless Office Freeware

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mel
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This paperless office software is ideal for a small business. It uses a
method mimicing the classic file cabinet, and the sectioned file folder,
to store documents. It is suitable for a doctor, lawyer, or small
business, and can store 10 million file folders and 1 billion documents
or pages. The software takes files/documents, input with a scanner or
created with a program like Word or Excel, and organizes them in an
Access database, made to look like the classic filing system, with file
folder names and folder sections. The goal was to create a very fast
and efficient way to organize, look up, view, and print documents.
Users and user passwords can be created and every entry is automatically
labelled with the user who entered it. Although I have not undertaken a
legal investigation, this system can be a legitimate method of
maintaining records if employed with the proper safeguards to document
tampering and privacy. Files can be made unalterable and confidentiality
can be maintained.

A Help File is built into the program. The program can be setup to
mimic the way you work and the way your files are labelled and
organized. To take advantage of all the software's features you will
have to spend some time reading the help text to learn as much as one
can glean from this information. Much of the program's functioning is
intuitive and similar to the way other Window's software operate. If
you have comments or suggestions please feel free to email me, but do
not expect a response. I will not be able to provide any technical
support, as you would certainly expect with a free product.
Mel said:
This paperless office software is ideal for a small business. It uses a
method mimicing the classic file cabinet, and the sectioned file folder,
to store documents. It is suitable for a doctor, lawyer, or small
business, and can store 10 million file folders and 1 billion documents
or pages. The software takes files/documents, input with a scanner or
created with a program like Word or Excel, and organizes them in an
Access database, made to look like the classic filing system, with file
folder names and folder sections. The goal was to create a very fast
and efficient way to organize, look up, view, and print documents.
Users and user passwords can be created and every entry is automatically
labelled with the user who entered it. Although I have not undertaken a
legal investigation, this system can be a legitimate method of
maintaining records if employed with the proper safeguards to document
tampering and privacy. Files can be made unalterable and confidentiality
can be maintained.

This is from the site:
Gary Tobis's Documentor Software Home Page

Click on DOWNLOAD for a compressed, self extracting, self installing copy of the
Documentor program. Remember this is free software; so DO NOT expect any support or
assistance. Employing a program like this is a hughly time consuming project. It
allows for multiple users, can operate through a network, requires considerable
computer knowledge to set up and maintain, and requires detailed knowledge of the
system to train individuals to use it efficiently and effectively. Even though you
think you are getting a wonderful deal by obtain a system like this at no cost, in
fact it is a small savings when you consider the true cost of making a system like
this productive, when you do not have the support of a group of people knowledgable
about their product. Only employ this program if you are both computer literate, and
interested and willing to expend a lot of time and energy making it productive for
you. I do expect one and only one thing in return for this free software. I expect you
to email me, at (e-mail address removed), and let me know how you feel about the software.
This is very little to ask for the time and effort I spent developing this program.
Remember, I expect no payment and will not seek reimbursement, so do not expect me to
support the program even if it has defects or failings. There is no product warranty
or guarantee. You assume all the risk and possible negative consequences of using this
software. Sincerely, Gary Tobis.