Yes, you are right that VBA is not as advanced as Java and C++ in that
respect, there is no Foundation class. I don't know Java, but I know VB and
VBA are a shed-load easier to use than C++, it is basic after all.
I would suggest that VBA Help is precisely what you want. You can work your
way down/up the object model by looking up an item. Start by looking at the
Application Object, and work down.
Another good source is John Green, Rob Bovey, Stephen Bullen's book, Excel
2002 VBA Programmers Reference published by Wrox Press (ISBN 0-7645-4371-7).
As well as good tips and techniques, it has a full object model and
I think you are a little unfair on MS. MSDN, the Knowledge Base, and the
support sites are excellent (IMO). Problem is, MS are the biggest, the
amount of info is wider and higher than any of the competitors, and so it
can be difficult to find. Perseverance pays though.
Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)