To whom it may concern
I , Mamuka Kalmahkhelidze , have lost my Georgian passport and would like to
apply for Australian document of identity. I am an Australian Permanent
Resident and going to travel oversease in July. I cannot obtain a new
passport , because there is no Georgian Ambessy in Australia and I have to
apply in person. I have called a Russian Embessy in Sydney , but they refuse
to deal with Georgian sitizenns. I have been told that I have to do it in
Georgia , next time I go there. Please consider all my cecumstances , and
issur me an Australian document.
Yours sinsially
Mamuka Kalmakhelidze.
I , Mamuka Kalmahkhelidze , have lost my Georgian passport and would like to
apply for Australian document of identity. I am an Australian Permanent
Resident and going to travel oversease in July. I cannot obtain a new
passport , because there is no Georgian Ambessy in Australia and I have to
apply in person. I have called a Russian Embessy in Sydney , but they refuse
to deal with Georgian sitizenns. I have been told that I have to do it in
Georgia , next time I go there. Please consider all my cecumstances , and
issur me an Australian document.
Yours sinsially
Mamuka Kalmakhelidze.