There is a document that I refer to six or seven time daily, Is
there a way to make a desk top Icon for this worksheet to make it
easier to access? Thanks for the help.
Shortcuts are your friend, there are many ways to create them these are
just a few.
Right click your desktop and select NEW then SHORTCUT then follow the
instructions from there.
Or if your familiar with Windows Explorer just open the file location,
right click the file and drag to your Desktop when you release the
mouse button you will have an option to create a shortcut.
Also if your Windows Explorer window is maximized you can drag the file
to your taskbar and hover it there for a second or two then Windows
Explorer will minimize and you can then have access to the desktop.
Just don't let go of the file until your at your desktop.
You can also do this directly from within Microsoft Word's OPEN FILE
(or what ever program you use to open your document)