Document Information errors



I have a situation were a document was created on one PC,
lets say User 1, and saved to both Hard Drive and
Floppy. The document was taken from the floppy to
another PC by User 2.

Both users proceeded to work on each document and made
significant changes, edits etc.

I have a situation of suspected plagiarism based on the
-both files have the author listed as the name of User 1.
-The last saved By Name is listed as the respective user.
-Revision Number for User 1 file is listed as 2 and the
User 2 file is listed as 4.
- Date Created for User 1 file is listed as 12/07/2004
12:10pm, and User 2 file is listed as 12/07/2004 12:05pm
- Date last saved is different.
- Application Name is listed as Microsoft Office Word for
the user 1 file, and Microsoft Word 9.0 for the user 2

Could someone please provide an explanation as to how
document information is saved and how it can be altered
by using Save AS to another location etc.

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance


I believe you right click on the document; click properties. That should open
up the three tabs that contain general information (where document is located
and date created;custom (title of document, type) and summary(name of author,
Good luck. Joan

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The Author field on a document is not changed by Copy or Save As. It would
be changed by using Insert | File to insert the contents of the file into a
new document.

The CreateDate is changed by Save As but should not be changed by Copy.

The SaveDate ("last modified) should reflect the last time a particular copy
of a file was saved.

PrintDate is inherited on SaveAs (or even from the template on creation) and
so is often earlier than the CreateDate. PrintDate is not accurate, however,
unless the file is saved after printing.

If User 2 copied the file created by User 1 (or used Save As to save it), it
would not be unreasonable to see a higher revision number.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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