Hello Wordforums.
I would describe myself as computer literate and rely on productivit
tools every day to compelte work tasks. I am trying to find a way t
make-up/create/compile documents using boilerplate text paragrphs, an
I am sure there are fast ways of adding text to a document
The purpose of this is to build agreements and contract terms fo
customers so I'd ideally like to have a way where I can select th
paragraphs of text I am going to add to a ducoment from a browser typ
window, and see them being added to a Word document in the order i
which I select them.
There are probably about 100 paras in a typical document
I had considered converting all my paragrphs of text to scraps an
pulling them in in the required order, but a browser approach would b
so much better.
I have trawled the web looking for applications that do this an
conclude that its either so simple that I am missing the point, or I a
the only person who wants to do this.
Being a self-helper, I'd appreciate some pointers from the forum her
on how to go about this - just point me!!!.
Please help me
John A
Austin T
I would describe myself as computer literate and rely on productivit
tools every day to compelte work tasks. I am trying to find a way t
make-up/create/compile documents using boilerplate text paragrphs, an
I am sure there are fast ways of adding text to a document
The purpose of this is to build agreements and contract terms fo
customers so I'd ideally like to have a way where I can select th
paragraphs of text I am going to add to a ducoment from a browser typ
window, and see them being added to a Word document in the order i
which I select them.
There are probably about 100 paras in a typical document
I had considered converting all my paragrphs of text to scraps an
pulling them in in the required order, but a browser approach would b
so much better.
I have trawled the web looking for applications that do this an
conclude that its either so simple that I am missing the point, or I a
the only person who wants to do this.
Being a self-helper, I'd appreciate some pointers from the forum her
on how to go about this - just point me!!!.
Please help me
John A
Austin T