Document blank after printing

  • Thread starter Thread starter slickrox
  • Start date Start date


I created a word document with about 24 tables and about 40 fields
Three people have tried to print this document after adding text and i
prints fine. After they close and reopen the document it is blank bu
the file size seems right. What happened? When I try it everthin
No, the field codes are not turned on. I'm not sure if they are turne
on the other three computers. Are they turned off by default
They are usually turned on. I created a document with field codes. Whe
I turn my codes off and turn off the shading I have a blank document
The majority of the text is not in a field, it is inside th
tables...yet the documents are completely blank
Would you be able to attach a part of the document. You can xxxxx ou
anything pertinent..I just want to see how it is set up
First off, thanks for trying to help...

Herein lies the problem. The documents that are damaged reside o
remote PC's and are highly confidential in nature. I can send you
blank document that matches the source document these folks worked wit
but I'm not sure if that will help.

The challenge is that 3 people have had issues so far but 3 others di
not. Could this be due to saving to external drives (such as jum
drives) and maybe the file is corrupt? I know that at least 2 of th
three having problems did save to jumpdrives
I see 2 things..

Have you tried to delete the (or name it normal.old an
reboot). It appears that the document isn't being saved back up to th

It could also be that the document is not being saved back up to th
server..which would then be a technical problem
OK, the document was not saved as a template, it is just a normal wor
document that people type text into and the fields are used fo
calculations of numbers that they enter. I will definately save as
template next year (the document is used for a state Quality Award, ho
ironic, huh?)
Since it's not a template would the normal. issue still apply?

The PC's are remote, not connected to servers, and from what I can tel
these people were saving exclusively to external drives, not to thei
hard drives. Can an overload of data being saved to an external driv
cause this type of problem? The reason I ask is that I mysel
inadvertantly saved my version of this document to a jumpdrive 4 time
in the course of an hour and one of the tables became corrupt
Yes, every document uses the so you can try recreating it.

If you are constantly working and saving back to the same file tha
should not be a problem. If you are cutting and pasting from othe
problem documents it could cause the document to become corrupt.