

Cool Cruncher
Nov 3, 2005
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Went the Doctors wednesday because i have this disease where my body cant breakdown DNA in some foods, it really is a painful one (True folks). Anyway the doctor seemed very intentive as i explained to him about my condition when he then prescribed me 2 different types of drugs via the internet and a medical book he pulled from his drawer :confused:, now i like to give people the benefit of the doubt but when i went home i really did ponder about taking the medication . Has anyone else had this happen ?? ,On a lighter note you know you are getting old when you know everyone in the doctors surgery :D.
I'm sorry to hear about your health problem Rush :( I have known doctors to consult their "drug bible" before, but it looks as if yours is using the internet as an additional "tool" to see what might be available to help you. If your condition is one that he doesn't see too frequently, perhaps he was looking for a bit of extra guidance.

Good luck with the meds, I hope they will help you to feel more comfortable. :)
Thanks Taffycat, but its not life threatining ..its Gout :) , but its mighty painful
On a recent visit to my GP I asked him about home visiting arrangements as I'd recently moved home.

He agreed that he would still provide home visits if need be, which was good of him cos I'm now further from the surgery than I used to be.

However, in all my life I've only ever had one home visit, I had a fever which turned out to be the onset of cellulitis on my lower leg. Nasty stuff.

Whilst we spoke, he said he quite liked home visits as he was allowed to mostly use his own judgement and explained that his duties as a GP were now limited to what the goverment directed him to do.

The NHS, he told me, basically supply a directive as to what to prescribe for a set illness. I do rather suspect there are financial reasons as well as ethical ones for this practice.

So, Rush, your Doc was probably just consulting the relevant guideline.

Back in 2005 I was putting the wheeltrim back on my Merc which is quite difficult so I kicked it hard wearing only trainers.


Cos two days later a very painful swelling occured around the big toe of that foot which turned out to be gout. Hang on, thought I, only rich old geezers get gout. And then I thought 'Well, you ain't exactly no spring chicken Mr Flops' :lol:

Anyway, it was very painful indeed, I could barely walk. The pills he gave me he said 'Keep on taking them until either the pain goes or you get diahorea, cos that is a side effect of the medicine.

Luckily for me the pain went before I had a rather embarrassing accident :D

Haven't had it since, incidentally, so my advice would be: Don't kick anything hard unless you have to ;)
floppybootstomp said:
Cos two days later a very painful swelling occured around the big toe of that foot which turned out to be gout. Hang on, thought I, only rich old geezers get gout. And then I thought 'Well, you ain't exactly no spring chicken Mr Flops' :lol:

Gout maybe the rich masn diseases, but it is casued by a build up of Uric acid, which is more common in thouse that favour a heavey drink.....:p An in your case Flopps quite common in people that like a few pints of Guiness..You probably find that your hoofing of said whell trim just agrivated something you alrready had, not caused it..

@ Rush..I know what you are going through mate..I have a conndition with my insides where I can't break down starch and a few other things...The Dr I was seeing at first, always had a look on the net, before consulting his big book from hs top shelf..Add tyo that I am on quite a high dose of Benzo's for sleep problems nothing got sorted, that was till the daughter of my family Dr in SA came to the UK to Practise, and likk you Uncle Flopps, she was happy to see me at home, turned out Dr before would have been better looking up youtube videos than drugs as he had actually caused more damage than good..NOw ontop of having problems digesting certain things I also have to contend with major duedenal ulcers from the incorrect medication...As for been old cause you know everybody in the surgery, i'm only 38 and know everybody, but I thonk its cause 99% of the grannies live in my road
Lol, 1 of mine says take until well or you fill the well :)

Never had it in the big toe though :confused:
By Madx
turned out Dr before would have been better looking up youtube videos than drugs as he had actually caused more damage than good

The funniest thing i have heard for lol that has tickled me big time lol lol..sorry m8 as i know it should not be funny :)
I have read and read and researched gout until i am blue in the face..even know its chemical formula lol. Wish i was a bird coz that nasty patch of white they do is ..wait for it Uric Acid...jammy bleeders :)
Rush said:
By Madx

The funniest thing i have heard for lol that has tickled me big time lol lol..sorry m8 as i know it should not be funny :)
It is funny now though, feck I used to go in cause I hada bad head ache and he'd do a quick look and prescribe Voltoral (probs spelt wrong) then a few montyhs again i'd go in for sever chest pains, quite common when you have a stent in place, and he'd prescribe the same thing, when actually I needed something to thin me blood..I thinkl maybe he bookmarked that drug as been a good all rounder....

Oh BTW he is no longer practising, got struck off for dodgy prescritions..
Madxgraphics said:
Gout maybe the rich masn diseases, but it is casued by a build up of Uric acid, which is more common in thouse that favour a heavey drink.....:p An in your case Flopps quite common in people that like a few pints of Guiness..You probably find that your hoofing of said whell trim just agrivated something you alrready had, not caused it..

There is some truth in that as Doc informed me there will be a build up of crystals within the feet if one's diet is rich. And it only takes a hard jolt to shift those crystals and the result is - gout.
Did I ever tell you about my visit to the clap clinic.... :lol:

It used to be held in the old seaman's hospital in the middle of Greenwich, which is quite apt, really :)

Ok everybody, share your disease, don't be shy ;)

Right, I'm off for a haircut, Nadia is waiting for me :)
floppybootstomp said:
Right, I'm off for a haircut, Nadia is waiting for me :)

Nadia just cut my hair, albeit in Hammersmith, she gave me a nice clean shave to, bit scary seeing a bird with a cut throat in her hand..But it feels good to have such a clean shave.........
By Flops
Right, I'm off for a haircut, Nadia is waiting for me

Clear off baldy :)

Ian , can we have a medical condition part of the forum please :)
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Well folks...sorry to hear about your problemmas. Ont 27th of last month i had a lumbar puncture and an angiogram....the sh*te they put into you made me sick...nothing compared to the lumbar puncture. I alsospotted the needle coming out of the press after i had asked them to not let me see owt. MadX youre way too young tohave a stent...anyhoo i dont need one yet LOL...the lumbar puncture is a nasty little 10 minute job...any way i mention all this cos i used to think ihad gout and after all the tests(3yrs worth) i was told i didnt have it. Now they say i have peripheral neuropathy which is painful and my nerves are sending the wrong messages to the head. It usually feels like a bucket of hot water being thrown on your feet and ankles 24/7 and the meds are nearly worse than the problem, chest pain panic attacks etc. I'm 42 and sometimes i wish it were all over. Then i found PCR LOL and all my probs disappeared. LOL
captain zed said:
MadX youre way too young tohave a stent..

Dude I had it done at 19 years old...I was in the army then and super fit, but yet my heart still gave up...Age doesn't play a part in heart desease...When it happens it hapens...And you are f*cked...
Zed, erm sorry to say this, but change y7er fecking Doctor, if he thought you had gout, WTF? was he giving you Lumber P's...? Research gout, and see "Uric Acid", Gout is tested through Urine samples...Not huge fecking needles down the spine.....
After researching Gout , and all its manifistations ...i.e Big Toe ..i wondered if i had i never get it there , but my wife works at a private Hospital and i a had Consultation with a N Staffs expert and he said it was gout coz presumably i ticked all the gout boxes ..maybe me being cynical or above my station but i have read enough about it to seed a little doubt..Arthritis tests were done first and all came back negative as did the first gout test :confused:
Rush said:
After researching Gout , and all its manifistations ...i.e Big Toe ..i wondered if i had i never get it there , but my wife works at a private Hospital and i a had Consultation with a N Staffs expert and he said it was gout coz presumably i ticked all the gout boxes ..maybe me being cynical or above my station but i have read enough about it to seed a little doubt..Arthritis tests were done first and all came back negative as did the first gout test :confused:

Erm long shot here, but you have pain in the big toe yes..? HOw about an ingrown nail...? Thought of that yet..