Docs and xls on website crash IE 6


M Skabialka

We have a machine where if any user logs onto our company website and opens
spreadsheets and documents, as soon as the Excel or Word doc opens, they get
IE errors, then both IE and Excel or Word crash.

We can get to these docs from any other machine. I reinstalled Office 2000
on this Win2K Pro machine, but this didn't fix it. I was hoping to go to
Add/Remove programs and do a repair, but on this machine the only IE entry
is for a single patch.

How do you fix IE if you need IE to go to Microsoft to get a new copy? Can
you download a copy from somewhere on the Microsoft site and put it in a
shared folder to install it? Where in Microsoft would I find it?


Robert Aldwinckle

I was hoping to go to Add/Remove programs and do a repair

rundll32 setupwbv.dll,IE6Maintenance

(Ref. KB194177)

See also KB318378 Method 2

M Skabialka

This didn't work for this problem, but I noticed in the error message
something about a program called Popup Nuker. I removed it and several
other pieces of unathorized software that the last user had put on, and the
problems went away. Thanks for the help though.


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