
  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben
  • Start date Start date


Hi all -

when I do a DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet....

where I provide the query. When I open the spreadsheet, the tab
inherits the name of the query I used. Is there any way to specify a
name of the tab instead of letting Access to use the query name?


Ben said:
Hi all -

when I do a DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet....

where I provide the query. When I open the spreadsheet, the tab inherits
the name of the query I used. Is there any way to specify a name of the
tab instead of letting Access to use the query name?



Either change the name of the query or copy it to the name you want before
exporting (then delete it afterwards maybe).

Thanks, I was hoping Access might have a mechanism to facilitate this,
guess not. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'declare private constants that exist in Excel vba but not Access vba
w/o using a reference
Private Const xlContinuous = 1
Private Const xlToRight = -4161, xlDown = -4121
Private Const xlLocationAsNewSheet = 1
Private Const xlPie = 5
Private Const xlDataLabelsShowLabelAndPercent = 5
Private Const xlDiagonalDown = 5, xlDiagonalUp = 6
Private Const xlEdgeLeft = 7, xlEdgeTop = 8, xlEdgeBottom = 9,
xlEdgeRight = 10
Private Const xlInsideVertical = 11, xlInsideHorizontal = 12
Private Const xlAutomatic = -4105
Private Const xlThin = 2, xlThick = 4
Private Const xlNone = -4142
Private Const xlUnderlineStyleNone = -4142
Private Const xlPortrait = 1, xlPaperLetter = 1
Private Const xlDownThenOver = 1
Private Const xlPrintNoComments = -4142
Private Const xlByRows = 1, xlByColumns = 2
Private Const xlNext = 1, xlPrevious = 2
Private Const xlSolid = 1
Private Const xlNormal = -4143

Private ary() 'Array to hold the contents of the souce table or query
Sub Dump_to_Excel_Sheets()
'this dump_to_Excel_Sheets is a generic wrapper for Dump_To_Excel
Dim objExcel As Object, Workbook As Object, fName As Variant, qdf As
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With objExcel.Workbooks
.Application.Visible = True
Set Workbook = .Add
End With

'---============= Begin Customize this section =============---

objExcel.worksheets("Sheet4").Move After:=objExcel.worksheets
Call Dump_To_Excel(objExcel, "Sheet1", "zqry_GETDATE")
Call Dump_To_Excel(objExcel, "Sheet2", "zqry_HOST_ID")
Call Dump_To_Excel(objExcel, "Sheet4", "zqry_HOST_NAME", 5, 1, False)
Call Dump_To_Excel(objExcel, "Sheet5", "zqry_IS_MEMBER", 5, 1, False)

'---============= End Customize this section =============---

fName = Workbook.Application.GetSaveAsFilename
Loop Until fName <> False ' get file name from end user
If Right(Trim(fName), 3) <> "xls" Then 'if end user didn't specify
ext add it
fName = fName & "xls"
End If
Workbook.SaveAs FileName:=fName _
, fileformat:=xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="",
ReadOnlyRecommended:=False _
, CreateBackup:=False 'Save file
Set fName = Nothing 'clean up memory
Set Workbook = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing
End Sub
Function Dump_To_Excel(objExcel As Object, strSheetname As String,
str_Recordset_Name As String, Optional lng_Row_Start, Optional
lng_Column_Start, Optional FreezePanes As Boolean, Optional
Exclude_Headers As Boolean)
'2009-01-09 egerds wrote to work with passed instace of excel and
fill with passed recordset name
'purpose to read the recordset data type format, and fill passed
excel object
'dependant upon
' Private Function format_Range_from_RST (Format columns based on
data source type)
' Function Get_Excel_Column (resolve column names
from #)
' Function rst_fld_Count (get width/column count)
' Function rst_row_Count (get row count)
' Function Has_Params (indicate if data source
is query with parameters)
' objExcel is the instance of excel to work with
' strSheetname is the desired worksheet to dump data to
' str_Recordset_Name is the source data
' Optional lng_Row_Start which row to start at
' Optional lng_Column_Start which column to start at
' Optional FreezePanes As Boolean if you want to freeze panes (if
not passed then freezepanes is automatic A2)
' Optional Exclude_Headers but bugged to be false if not passed, is
to exclude the field names or not
' Resolving that query might exceed excel dimenstions
' Resolving that parameters in data source can not be resolved
' That desired Excel tab miss named
' Optional vars not fully passes if some are passed

Dim Workbooks As Object, xlSheet As Object 'Excel
Dim lng_Field_Count As Long, lng_Record_Count As Long,
lng_Counter_Outer As Long, lng_Counter_Inner As Long 'counters
Dim rst As Recordset
lng_Field_Count = rst_fld_Count(str_Recordset_Name) - 1 'get the
column count
lng_Record_Count = rst_row_Count(str_Recordset_Name) + 1 'get the row
ReDim ary(lng_Record_Count, lng_Field_Count) 'size the
array accordingly
Set xlSheet = objExcel.worksheets(strSheetname)
With xlSheet
If Has_Params(str_Recordset_Name) Then 'check if
data source has params
Dim qdf As QueryDef, prm As Parameter
Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(str_Recordset_Name)
For Each prm In qdf.Parameters
prm.Value = Eval(prm.Name)
Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset(dbOpenDynaset)
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(str_Recordset_Name)
End If

If Not Exclude_Headers Then
For lng_Counter_Outer = 0 To lng_Field_Count 'set the column
headings name
If IsMissing(lng_Row_Start) Then
.range(Get_Excel_Column(lng_Counter_Outer) & "1") = rst.Fields
.range(Get_Excel_Column(lng_Counter_Outer + lng_Column_Start) & 1
+ lng_Row_Start) = rst.Fields(lng_Counter_Outer).Name
End If
Call format_Range_from_RST(rst, objExcel, strSheetname,
End If

With rst
lng_Counter_Outer = -1 'reset the outer counter
While Not .EOF 'fill array
lng_Counter_Outer = lng_Counter_Outer + 1
For lng_Counter_Inner = 0 To lng_Field_Count
ary(lng_Counter_Outer, lng_Counter_Inner) = rst
End With 'rs
Set rst = Nothing
.Name = str_Recordset_Name 'set the worksheet name to the query name
If IsMissing(lng_Row_Start) Then
.range("A2:" & Get_Excel_Column(lng_Field_Count) & lng_Record_Count
+ 1 - Abs(Not Exclude_Headers)) = ary() 'dump array to excel
.range(Get_Excel_Column(lng_Column_Start) & lng_Row_Start + 2 - Abs
(Not Exclude_Headers) & ":" & _
Get_Excel_Column(lng_Field_Count + lng_Column_Start) &
lng_Record_Count + lng_Row_Start + 2 - Abs(Not Exclude_Headers)) = ary
.range(Get_Excel_Column(lng_Column_Start) & lng_Row_Start + 2 - Abs
(Not Exclude_Headers)).Select
End If

If Not IsMissing(FreezePanes) Then 'Freeze pane in excel if not
passed or set true
objExcel.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
If FreezePanes Then
objExcel.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
End If
End If

End With 'xlSheet
Set xlSheet = Nothing
End Function
Private Function format_Range_from_RST(rst As Recordset, objExcel As
Object, strSheetname As String, lng_Counter_Outer As Long, Optional
lng_Row_Start, Optional lng_Column_Start)
'this private function is written to format entire column with data
type from source recordset
Dim obj As Object
With objExcel.worksheets(strSheetname)
If IsMissing(lng_Row_Start) Then 'set obj = desired excel range
Set obj = .range(Get_Excel_Column(lng_Counter_Outer) & ":" &
Set obj = .range(Chr(lng_Counter_Outer + 65 + lng_Column_Start) &
":" & Chr(lng_Counter_Outer + 65 + lng_Row_Start))
End If
With obj
Select Case rst.Fields(lng_Counter_Outer).Type
Case 2, 3, 4, 7 '2 number Byte, 3 number Integer, 4 number Long
Integer, 7 'number Double
.NumberFormat = "0"
Case 6 'number Single
'If rst.Fields(lng_Counter_Outer).Properties("format") =
"Percent" Then
'.NumberFormat = "0.00%"
.NumberFormat = "0.00"
'End If
Case 15 'number Replication ID
.NumberFormat = "@"
Case 8 ' Date/Time
.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy;@"
Case 5 ' Currency
.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
Case 10, 1, 12, 11 ' 10 text, 1 Yes/No, 12 Hyperlink, 11 OLE
.NumberFormat = "@"
Case Else
With rst.Fields(lng_Counter_Outer)
MsgBox "this datatype has not been tested by Eric Gerds" & _
vbCrLf & "Field " & .Name * " Type is " & .Type
End With
End Select
End With 'object
Set obj = Nothing
End With 'xlSheet
End Function
Function Get_Excel_Column(ByVal lng_Num As Long) As String
'2009-01-07 14:22 egerds wrote to return the relative excel column
'examples 0=A 1=B 26=AA
If lng_Num < 26 Then
Get_Excel_Column = Chr(lng_Num + 65)
Get_Excel_Column = Chr(lng_Num \ 26 + 64) & Chr(lng_Num Mod 26 + 65)
End If
End Function
Function rst_fld_Count(ByVal doc_Name As String) As Long
'written by egerds 2008-12-10 for a more generic reference to source
On Error GoTo rst_fld_Count_Error 'if recordset is a query with form
param's then attempt to resolve them
Dim rst As Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(doc_Name)
With rst
rst_fld_Count = .Fields.count
End With
Set rst = Nothing
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case 3021
MsgBox "The source Recordset is empty"
Case 3061 ' data source if a query with parameters
On Error Resume Next
Dim qdf As QueryDef, prm As Parameter
Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(doc_Name)
For Each prm In qdf.Parameters
prm.Value = Eval(prm.Name)
Next prm
Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset(dbOpenDynaset)
With rst
rst_fld_Count = .Fields.count
End With
Set rst = Nothing
Set prm = Nothing
Set qdf = Nothing
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.description
End Select
End Function
Function rst_row_Count(ByVal doc_Name As String) As Long
'written by egerds 2008-12-10 for a more generic reference to source
On Error GoTo rst_row_Count_Error 'if recordset is a query with form
param's then attempt to resolve them
Dim rst As Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(doc_Name)
With rst
rst_row_Count = .RecordCount
End With
Set rst = Nothing
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case 3021
MsgBox "The source Recordset is empty"
Case 3061 ' data source if a query with parameters
On Error Resume Next
Dim qdf As QueryDef, prm As Parameter
Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(doc_Name)
For Each prm In qdf.Parameters
prm.Value = Eval(prm.Name)
Next prm
Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset(dbOpenDynaset)
With rst
rst_row_Count = .RecordCount
End With
Set rst = Nothing
Set prm = Nothing
Set qdf = Nothing
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.description
End Select
End Function
Function Has_Params(str_Obj_Name As String)
'2009-01-09 13:19 egerds wrote to test if str_obj_name has parameters
On Error GoTo Err_Has_Params_Error
Has_Params = False
Dim qdf As QueryDef, prm As Parameter
Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(str_Obj_Name)
For Each prm In qdf.Parameters
Has_Params = True
Set prm = Nothing
Set qdf = Nothing
Exit Function
Resume Err_Has_Params_Resume
End Function