Dim ReportName
If Me.Action = 1 Then ReportName = "Rpt_ActivationBounty_Detail"
If Me.Action = 2 Then ReportName = "Rpt_RevenueShare_Detail"
If Me.Action = 3 Then ReportName = "Rpt_ClientSummary"
If Me.Action = 4 Then ReportName = "Rpt_CheckRequisition"
If Me.Action = 5 Then ReportName = "Rpt_ItemCodes_NONVAR_AUDIT"
If Me.Action = 6 Then ReportName = "Rpt_ItemCodes_VAR_AUDIT"
DoCmd.OpenReport ReportName, acViewPreview, , "Partner_ID=" & Me.Lkp
The client selects a Partner from a drop-down list... Then selects which
report they want to open for that Partner. They Hit GO! and an "enter
parameter" fields comes up asking them to type the Partner_ID... They type
it in and it works just fine...
.... Except for a handful of partners... I recieve a Run-Time error 3075...
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression
Any help would greatly be appreciated!
If Me.Action = 1 Then ReportName = "Rpt_ActivationBounty_Detail"
If Me.Action = 2 Then ReportName = "Rpt_RevenueShare_Detail"
If Me.Action = 3 Then ReportName = "Rpt_ClientSummary"
If Me.Action = 4 Then ReportName = "Rpt_CheckRequisition"
If Me.Action = 5 Then ReportName = "Rpt_ItemCodes_NONVAR_AUDIT"
If Me.Action = 6 Then ReportName = "Rpt_ItemCodes_VAR_AUDIT"
DoCmd.OpenReport ReportName, acViewPreview, , "Partner_ID=" & Me.Lkp
The client selects a Partner from a drop-down list... Then selects which
report they want to open for that Partner. They Hit GO! and an "enter
parameter" fields comes up asking them to type the Partner_ID... They type
it in and it works just fine...
.... Except for a handful of partners... I recieve a Run-Time error 3075...
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression
Any help would greatly be appreciated!