John de Beer
Good Evening from San Diego
I use a multi-select listbox to select Cooking cycles that I want to
either print out to a report or view as a report.
I pass a global variable (SQL string) to the Report_Open event
(me.recordsource) Everything works well when I mulit-select for
printing. however when I want to just view the report it hangs up on
the first instance of viewing, the first cooking cycle collected.
I can F8 repeatedly thorugh the code but only the first instance is
available for viewing. Any ideas to help me out?
' the code in question
Public gstrRptSQL As String
Sub PrintReports()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strCycleIndx As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
Dim intI As Integer
Dim intIndex As Integer
With Form_frmGifNames.lstSeelctCycleIndex
intIndex = 0
For intI = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(intI) Then
intIndex = intIndex + 1
strCycleIndx = .ItemData(intI)
gstrRptSQL = ""
gstrRptSQL = gstrRptSQL & "SELECT tblEventLogs.* "
gstrRptSQL = gstrRptSQL & "FROM qryCycleNoEventLogs INNER JOIN
tblEventLogs ON "
gstrRptSQL = gstrRptSQL & "(qryCycleNoEventLogs.ControllerNo =
tblEventLogs.ControllerNo) "
gstrRptSQL = gstrRptSQL & "AND (qryCycleNoEventLogs.CycleNo =
tblEventLogs.CycleNo) "
gstrRptSQL = gstrRptSQL & "WHERE
(((qryCycleNoEventLogs.CycleIndx)= '"
gstrRptSQL = gstrRptSQL & strCycleIndx & "')); "
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptEventLogReport", acViewPreview
End If
End With
End Sub
I use a multi-select listbox to select Cooking cycles that I want to
either print out to a report or view as a report.
I pass a global variable (SQL string) to the Report_Open event
(me.recordsource) Everything works well when I mulit-select for
printing. however when I want to just view the report it hangs up on
the first instance of viewing, the first cooking cycle collected.
I can F8 repeatedly thorugh the code but only the first instance is
available for viewing. Any ideas to help me out?
' the code in question
Public gstrRptSQL As String
Sub PrintReports()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strCycleIndx As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
Dim intI As Integer
Dim intIndex As Integer
With Form_frmGifNames.lstSeelctCycleIndex
intIndex = 0
For intI = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(intI) Then
intIndex = intIndex + 1
strCycleIndx = .ItemData(intI)
gstrRptSQL = ""
gstrRptSQL = gstrRptSQL & "SELECT tblEventLogs.* "
gstrRptSQL = gstrRptSQL & "FROM qryCycleNoEventLogs INNER JOIN
tblEventLogs ON "
gstrRptSQL = gstrRptSQL & "(qryCycleNoEventLogs.ControllerNo =
tblEventLogs.ControllerNo) "
gstrRptSQL = gstrRptSQL & "AND (qryCycleNoEventLogs.CycleNo =
tblEventLogs.CycleNo) "
gstrRptSQL = gstrRptSQL & "WHERE
(((qryCycleNoEventLogs.CycleIndx)= '"
gstrRptSQL = gstrRptSQL & strCycleIndx & "')); "
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptEventLogReport", acViewPreview
End If
End With
End Sub