Thanks for your update and further information. I really appreciate all your efforts to check
references and provided more details to clarify the issue.
Things are now clearer to me and the problem is narrowed to one of the specific
DoCmd.GotoRecord methods (not all the method in the DoCmd.GotoRecord):
DoCmd.GotoRecord , , acNewRec
However, I'm not 100% sure of if the "acNew" argument you mentioned in your previous
message referred to the "acNewRec", as there is no "acNew" argument in the
Docmd.GoToRecord. Instead, the "acNew" is always used as a constant argument with
Docmd.DoMenuItem. Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood on this field. Thanks
in advance!
On the other hand, you've verified that there is no BeforeUpdate or BeforeInsert events
running on the form, so I believe the following KB article might not make sense in this
scenario. If possible, I appreciate your time to read it and see if the method within it can
suppress the 2105 error message:
128195 ACC: Commands Not Available During BeforeUpdate Event
Furthermore, if you use the Access 2000 project as a FE, I wonder whether you are applying
"Order By" on the specific column of the problem form. Based on my experience, this "Order
By" operation will be ignored and bring the 2105 error when you perform the "
DoCmd.GotoRecord , , acNewRec ".
If this addresses your problem, I suggest you using the following method in the OnOpen
event of that form:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.OrderBy = "Field DESC/ASC" ' Modify it as you please
Me.OrderByOn = True
End Sub
To the scurity of the database, as your application has it's own security tables built in, I lean
to leave it handled with the built-in security mechanism. In the meanwhile, it is recommended
that you apply the latest Jet SP8 on your BE.
Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8:;EN-US;829558
Additionally, I'm eager to share you with some best practices that you can use to help keep
your Jet 3.X database in top working condition in a multiuser/network environment:
303519 HOW TO: Keep a Jet 3.x Database in Top Working Condition
Please apply my suggestions above and keep up updated with the status of your issue. If
there is anything more I can do to assist you, please feel free to post it in the group. Thanks
for posting in the community.
Best regards,
Billy Yao
Microsoft Online Support