DOC2000 in wordprocessor

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rod
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Is there, besides Atlantis Nova, another freeware wordprocessor that can
open and edit DOC2000-files ? I tried a couple, and most of them could
handle DOC97-files, but not DOC2000-files.
I'm not looking for an office suite, just a wordprocessor. Also I do
already have the wordprocessor part of OpenOffice installed, I just want
something lighter.
Is there, besides Atlantis Nova, another freeware wordprocessor that can
open and edit DOC2000-files ? I tried a couple, and most of them could
handle DOC97-files, but not DOC2000-files.
I'm not looking for an office suite, just a wordprocessor. Also I do
already have the wordprocessor part of OpenOffice installed, I just want
something lighter.

CryptEdit can, but I just opened a new .doc file with both and
Atlantis Nova did the better job of holding the intended formatting

I'm sure CE uses the old 95 format in saving documents.

The same for Jarte and others I'm finding:

"Opens all Word documents, RTF documents, and plain text documents
Save documents in Word format (Word 95), RTF format, and as plain

The only thing I can find that "uses the MS Word DOC format
(9x/2000/XP)" is 602, OO, etc.
CryptEdit can, but I just opened a new .doc file with both and
Atlantis Nova did the better job of holding the intended formatting

That was the problem when I tried out different wordprocessors a while ago.
Cryptedit couldn't open the DOC-file I tested them with. I wish Cryptedit
could handle files like Atlantis Nova.
I'll check it out again.
I'm sure CE uses the old 95 format in saving documents.

The same for Jarte and others I'm finding:
"Opens all Word documents, RTF documents, and plain text documents
Save documents in Word format (Word 95), RTF format, and as plain

The only thing I can find that "uses the MS Word DOC format
(9x/2000/XP)" is 602, OO, etc.

Yes, I realy liked 602-Text, just wished I could install it without having
to install the whole suite.
Thanks for your reply.
Dans son message précédent, Rod a écrit :
Is there, besides Atlantis Nova, another freeware wordprocessor that can
open and edit DOC2000-files ? I tried a couple, and most of them could
handle DOC97-files, but not DOC2000-files.
I'm not looking for an office suite, just a wordprocessor. Also I do
already have the wordprocessor part of OpenOffice installed, I just want
something lighter.

abiword ?

Hervé LOTH
Le Loup said:
Dans son message précédent, Rod a écrit :

abiword ?
| Presently, AbiWord can open basic Microsoft Word documents [...]
| Caveat
| However, if the document has complicated tables, embedded
| spreadsheets, and so forth, then it might not work as expected.
| Developing good MS Word filters is a very difficult process, so
| please bear with us as we work on getting Word documents to open
| correctly.[...]
| Saving as .doc
| AbiWord can currently save in an MS Word compatible ".doc" format.
| This is done by saving as Rich Text Format (.rtf) but with a .doc
| extension. The file extension does not mean that the file is a
| binary Microsoft Word document and .doc may contain RTF, HTML
| or plain text. [...]