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I know that I really need to get some formal education in html.

I do read more everyday on web design, content, and html to get a
better understanding.

But, until the lightbulb finds the energy source, The WC3 validator is
beyond my comprehension.

When I run my website into a validator tool
I get "This page is not Valid HTML 4.01 transitional"
The statement I have included in the site "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC
"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">"

I'll admit it, I copied someone elses doctype statement because
I couldnt figure out what is the right one. But alas, its not the
right one.
The validation tool has ERROR in BOLD AND IN RED! So, I read the
eye glazing documentation W3C documentation again, and still
to no avail, I still dont know
which to Doc Type to use and what the correct syntax is.

Can anyone help me come up with a doctype statement that is

Thank you
Linda Saltz, CPA
Web Pro wannabee
Hi Kathleen,

I really appreciate you help. I did copy text into Word then recopy
it into
FP, but then I went in to edit the HTML. I'm new to HTML so I may
have missed
something but the validator, (3 days ago at 64 errors, now has 17
only picks up the following errors. Error7-15 seem like they are not
errors at
all. Maybe once these errors are fixed then the doctype might work. I
do not understand these errors, if you could look at 7-15 then I can
concentrate on the
rest. I believe error 7-15 may all stem from the same problem. Do
you have
any insight?

1. Line 3, column 5: character data is not allowed here</A>">
2. Line 3, column 44: end tag for element "A" which is not open
3. Line 5, column 14: there is no attribute "XMLNS
<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"
4. Line 5, column 54: there is no attribute "XMLNS
5. Line 5, column 102: there is no attribute "XMLNS" (explain...).
6. Line 5, column 135: document type does not allow element "HTML"
here (explain...).
7. Line 14, column 6: end tag for "HEAD" which is not finished
8. Line 16, column 16: there is no attribute "TOPMARGIN"
<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
9. Line 16, column 31: there is no attribute "LEFTMARGIN"
<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
10. Line 20, column 89: there is no attribute "HEIGHT" (explain...).
...lpadding="0" id="AutoNumber1" height="820">
11. Line 31, column 46: there is no attribute "BACKGROUND"
... width="77%" colspan="2" background="QuickBooksSupport.gif"
alt="Need QuickB
12. Line 31, column 74: there is no attribute "ALT" (explain...).
...2" background="QuickBooksSupport.gif" alt="Need QuickBooks
Support?" height="1" >
13. Line 35, column 96: there is no attribute "BACKGROUND"
..."AutoNumber3" height="97" background="QuickBooksSupport.gif"
14. Line 35, column 166: there is no attribute "BORDERCOLOR"
...rder-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" cellpadding="0">
15. Line 46, column 203: there is no attribute "BORDERCOLOR"
... border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#FF6600">
16. Line 114, column 51: there is no attribute "RUNAT" (explain...).
<script language="JavaScript" Runat="Client"
17. Line 462, column 47: required attribute "TYPE" not specified

Linda Saltz, CPA
and the page with the recommended doc type set up
(e-mail address removed)

"Kathleen Anderson > Linda: