you know...that looks fine to me. i don't see anything wrong with it. what
does the exception state?
here's some "quicky code" that will help you parse xml in the meantime...i
didn't have time to learn how the new xml stuff worked in .net so this was
my "5 minute problem solved" adaptation.
Private Sub xmlParsing()
Dim xml As String
xml &= "<authorization>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <record1>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <id>1</id>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <role>1</role>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <description>system account</description>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " </record1>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <record2>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <id>2</id>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <role>2</role>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <description>administrator</description>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " </record2>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <record3>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <id>3</id>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <role>3</role>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <description>standard user</description>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " </record3>" & vbCrLf
xml &= "</authorization>" & vbCrLf
xml &= "<authorization>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <record4>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <id>4</id>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <role>4</role>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <description>system knob</description>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " </record4>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <record5>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <id>5</id>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <role>5</role>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <description>certified looser</description>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " </record5>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <record6>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <id>6</id>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <role>6</role>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " <description>emmense whiner</description>" & vbCrLf
xml &= " </record6>" & vbCrLf
xml &= "</authorization>" & vbCrLf
Dim authorization() As String = getMultipleSegments("AUTHORIZATION", xml)
If authorization Is Nothing Then Return
Dim segment As String
For Each segment In authorization
Dim records() As String = getMultipleSegments("RECORD", segment)
If Not records Is Nothing Then
Dim description As String
Dim id As Integer
Dim record As String
Dim role As String
For Each record In records
id = CInt(getSegmentValue(getSingleSegment("ID", record), 0))
role = getSegmentValue(getSingleSegment("ROLE", record))
description = getSegmentValue(getSingleSegment("DESCRIPTION", record))
Console.WriteLine("id: " & id & ", role: " & role & ", description: " &
End If
End Sub
Private Function getMultipleSegments(ByVal segment As String, ByVal xml As
String) As String()
If xml Is Nothing Then Exit Function
Dim pattern As String = "<\s*" & segment & "[^>]*>.*?<\s*/\s*" & segment &
Dim regExp As New Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture Or
RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
If Not regExp.IsMatch(xml) Then Exit Function
Dim match As Match
Dim result() As String
Dim index As Integer
For Each match In regExp.Matches(xml)
ReDim Preserve result(index)
result(index) = match.Value
index += 1
Return result
End Function
Private Function getSingleSegment(ByVal segment As String, ByVal xml As
String) As String
If xml Is Nothing Then Exit Function
Dim pattern As String = "<\s*" & segment & "[^>]*>.*?<\s*/\s*" & segment &
Dim regExp As New Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture Or
RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
If Not regExp.IsMatch(xml) Then Exit Function
Dim match As Match = regExp.Match(xml)
Return match.Value
End Function
Private Overloads Function getSegmentValue(ByVal xml As String) As String
If xml Is Nothing Then Exit Function
Dim pattern As String = "<[^>]*>"
Dim regExp As New Regex(pattern)
If Not regExp.IsMatch(xml) Then Exit Function
Return regExp.Replace(xml, "")
End Function
Private Overloads Function getSegmentValue(ByVal xml As String, ByVal
emptyDefault As String) As String
Dim value As String = getSegmentValue(xml)
If value Is Nothing OrElse value.Trim = vbNullString Then value =
Return value
End Function
MeNotHome said:
I wish I could post the website but it's on a password protected site.
But here is what the page looks like when viewed in ie6.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
- <ShipmentForecasts>
- <ShipmentForecast>
<ReleaseIdentification Type="Original"
- <ShipFrom>
- <Company>
etc etc....
Does this help at all?
Thanks for any advice you can give.