Do you use Adobe Flash?


Feb 23, 2002
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I saw in another thread that Mucks wasn't keen on using Adobe Flash Player (I hope I understood that correctly ;)), and I wondered if there were any other users that avoid using it?

I couldn't browse the net without it as so many sites depend on the plugin nowadays. However, I can see why it isn't used by all when you see the number of security holes that have been patched over the years.
Not that I'm aware of, although there are some rival technologies like Microsoft Silverlight which do a similar job.

Flash and ieSpell are pretty much the only plugins I use (in IE8).
Yes, I use it too, and would also miss it for browsing interactive website content. :D
I'm a rebel

yes, I avoid all Adobe viruses if I can, especially Adobe Reader

Fist time I have come across a site that needed me to "plug-in" on something ... I don't use Internet Explorer, nor that other thing, err, oh yeah Firegrot

Yeah, Adobe Reader does seem to be a trojan magnet. I use Foxit at the moment, although that has also had it's fair share of holes (thankfully it's rarely targeted though).
muckshifter said:
yes, I avoid all Adobe viruses if I can, especially Adobe Reader

Fist time I have come across a site that needed me to "plug-in" on something ... I don't use Internet Explorer, nor that other thing, err, oh yeah Firegrot


So what do you use mate??
I couldn't be without Flash. Im waiting for 10.1 for my phone. :)

No problems with Flash here on FF though I use No Script aswell.

Use Ocular for PDF's or Foxit on the Windows.

I've just read that Youtube allow you to watch videos using HTML5 now (only works with Chrome/Safari AFAIK), so there's a good chance that HTML5 will start to take over Flash/Silverlight apps once it is finalised and mainstream.
Lemme see, I use Flash, it lets me view things and hasn't caused me any hassle yet AFAIK.

I use IE7 on all Windows installs except Win 7 which seems to make IE8 mandatory.

I don't like IE8.

I don't like Firefox.

I do like IE7.

I do like Opera but only have that installed on 1 machine alongside IE7.

I also have Java installed on one machine though I have not a clue what it does or what it's for.

I suppose I could look it up but can't be bothered :)
Ian Cunningham said:
although there are some rival technologies like Microsoft Silverlight which do a similar job.

Does that mean that if you have Silverlight you can delete Flash?
nivrip said:
Does that mean that if you have Silverlight you can delete Flash?

'fraid not - it's a rival technology and only works for Silverlight files. :(
"The Portable Document Format (PDF) is a popular format to publish formatted text and documents. There are several different versions of it, some qualifying as an Open Standard, some certified by ISO and some encumbered by software patents. You might want to promote the versions that are Open Standards, because Open Standards guarantee interoperability, competition and choice. Read more...

There are many programs to read and write PDF documents. All of the PDF readers in the following list are Free Software, respecting your basic four freedoms to use, study, share and improve them. This gives you control over your computer and helps protect your privacy. Read more..."

Evince or Sumatra or possibly MuPdf are the ones easyiest to install on Windows.

Ian Cunningham said:
'fraid not - it's a rival technology and only works for Silverlight files. :(

"Increasingly proprietary software companies like Microsoft, Apple, and Adobe are pushing video and audio formats that restrict access and restrict software developers, but there is an alternative that can be played on all computers without restriction — Ogg. Ogg provides professional grade multimedia formats. Ogg is used extensively by free software projects, artists and a growing number of music and video distributors."

Free software ! Who needs it when you can pay to enjoy misery. :p
I use AFP, I can't imagine my life without it... It's needed while using internet almost everywhere...