Do you pay for virus/spyware protection?


Feb 23, 2002
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I've not bought any virus protection, the only pay-for products I use for virus/spyware protection have come as 1 year OEM disks with a motherboard or new PC.

I've just recommended someone to give AVG a try as their Norton Subscription has run out (they barely use the net). Should save them a quid or two, which I think is worth it considering their virus potential is pretty low anyway (mainly typing + hotmail).
Nope, I use free everything - you might need to help your friend fully uninstall all those nasty bits Norton puts all over the PC Ian ;)
Adywebb said:
Nope, I use free everything - you might need to help your friend fully uninstall all those nasty bits Norton puts all over the PC Ian ;)
Yup, first thing I did :) Norton doesn't seem to like anything else in its place!
None here! :p

Oh, and I would drop AVG in favour of AntiVir ... AVG has been letting in the bad boys too often. ;)
AVG sucks

Is Antivir actually any good? Our norton ran out so need to swap with somethin different

ow i think my widom teeth are coming through i gots real bad toothache
Use Norton Anti-Virus SE, but only as it was free via google pack, may purchase it when my free 6 months is up. Use zonealarm as firewall, does the job.
Just so happens that my McAfee AV runs out in 15 days. Will be moving to Antivir. As that seems to be the best bet at the mo.

Spysweeper runs out about the same time now i think about it (Is that a year already!?) Is it worth renewing it?
V_R said:
Just so happens that my McAfee AV runs out in 15 days. Will be moving to Antivir. As that seems to be the best bet at the mo.

Spysweeper runs out about the same time now i think about it (Is that a year already!?) Is it worth renewing it?
Not really ... I would go for MS Windows Defender ... it is still BEATA and has some problems with it updating itself, sometimes you need to un-install re-install, but it is getting good reviews ... and not just from MS zits

Of course, SS is a excelent program and how much is it to renew £15-16 ? ;)
murdoch said:
:confused: So what is the best to use wether it's free or you pay?
KAV (paid) or AntiVir (free)

That is just my humble opinion. ;)