do you like my new signature?

Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
hi all

wasup long time no speak

very busy at work don't get much forum time anymore
I was very eager to create a new signature for this site

so what you reckon??
or 2.

You call it signature?:confused:

I call it a banner :D

I liked the second one better. Light blue with first line in yellow Nice!

aah banner then

I would love to get it moving like your panther does

maybe get psd99 flashing or something mmm

tutorial time!
Second one is the better. The bright blue on the first is .......well, a bit too loud.

IMO the second one is easier on the eye. :wave:
Quadophile said:
I edited my post earlier, sorry about that

no worries thanks

I created the 2nd one a very long time ago just glad I still got it
Madxgraphics said:
Just chilling , watching the game, drinking a Bud (JD and Coke)

Yeah looks sweet mate...Ya Photoshop it or use an online site to create it ?


thursday nights are the new friday nights!!

photoshop it I love photoshop I learned a fair bit about it back in the days so just implemented a few of my techniques that I learned.
nivrip said:
Second one is the better. The bright blue on the first is .......well, a bit too loud.

IMO the second one is easier on the eye. :wave:

yes I agree

2nd one is much easier on the eyes as the first one is TOO BRIGHT!

mmm I'm going to go back to the drawing board again!
Been at home 24/7 I sort of lost track of which day are which. I have got used to the idea now that on one day it is very quite, except for the sound of bells ringing all day...

Photoshop is a gtreat tool, it has made me mega money in the past...
If that's what you want to say then yes, I like your sig :)

Unlike everybody else I prefer the first one, not too harsh, whereas the second light blue one seems a little insipid to me.
psd99 said:

aah banner then

I would love to get it moving like your panther does

maybe get psd99 flashing or something mmm

tutorial time!

.GIF is peace of p*ss to create in PhotoShop. There are some good tuts on Youtube you could check out.
Madxgraphics said:
.GIF is peace of p*ss to create in PhotoShop. There are some good tuts on Youtube you could check out.

cheers will do

can they be created in photoshop?
floppybootstomp said:
If that's what you want to say then yes, I like your sig :)

Unlike everybody else I prefer the first one, not too harsh, whereas the second light blue one seems a little insipid to me.

mmmm insipid mmmmm

Main Entry: in·sip·id
Pronunciation: \in-ˈsi-pəd\
Function: adjective
Etymology: French & Late Latin; French insipide, from Late Latin insipidus, from Latin in- + sapidus savory, from sapere to taste — more at sage
Date: 1609
1 : lacking taste or savor : tasteless <insipid food>
2 : lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge : dull, flat <insipid prose>

thanks for another adjective flopps