psd99 said:wasup ?
Quadophile said:I edited my post earlier, sorry about that
Madxgraphics said:Just chilling , watching the game, drinking a Bud (JD and Coke)
Yeah looks sweet mate...Ya Photoshop it or use an online site to create it ?
nivrip said:Second one is the better. The bright blue on the first is .......well, a bit too loud.
IMO the second one is easier on the eye.
psd99 said:thanks
aah banner then
I would love to get it moving like your panther does
maybe get psd99 flashing or something mmm
tutorial time!
Madxgraphics said:.GIF is peace of p*ss to create in PhotoShop. There are some good tuts on Youtube you could check out.
floppybootstomp said:If that's what you want to say then yes, I like your sig
Unlike everybody else I prefer the first one, not too harsh, whereas the second light blue one seems a little insipid to me.
psd99 said:cheers will do
can they be created in photoshop?
Abarbarian said:The Bruce Lee message is cool mate.