Do you know why

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Pictureless files

after moving some big movie files into another drive, some become
pictureless and have only sound
I deleted the old files already.
Any help
Pictureless said:
after moving some big movie files into another drive, some become
pictureless and have only sound
I deleted the old files already.
Any help
Are you referring to .mswmm files? They
are your project files and do not contain
the source files, the program just records
to path to the files. If the source files are
moved or deleted the path is broken and
Movie Maker will display RedXs instead
of the thumbs. The source files can be
re-associated with the project by right
clicking the RedXs and browsing to the
new location but if the files have been
deleted...there's nothing you can do
unless you can re-acquire the files.

I you have some completed movie files
that were saved in the .wmv or .avi format
they should still be playable.


******John Inzer********
**MS Picture It! MVP**

*****Digital Image******
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I moved the project (.mswmm file) and all the source files to another PC.
Opening the project in the other PC I got a lot of RedXs, then I right
clicked and browsed the source files, but it didn't work. The message is "
The source file doesn't match with the original file".

I moved the Project and the source to another PC because it was not creating
the final movie (.wmv) on the first PC.

Do you know what else do I need to move from the old PC to the new one?
I did that and it didn't work.
I have recreated all folders/subfolders identical, but I got the same message.