| Only if it's the Queen of England!
| I don't think you use caps for pronouns. Unless I don't understand your
| question.
| --
| Edward
| "California_Penn_Joe" wrote:
| > When using a personal pronoun (her) to refer to a personification (Dawn
| > West Wind, for example)do you capitalize it?
Same in Italian...Lei.
Where we going with all this anyway? I dunno, Who's on first, and I don't
give a darn
| In German, Sie (you) is always capitalized when speaking formally -
| generally when you aren't familiar with the person you're speaking to /
| Bob Lehmann
| | > I is always capitalized.
| >
| >
| > | > | Only if it's the Queen of England!
| > | I don't think you use caps for pronouns. Unless I don't understand
| > | question.
| > | --
| > | Edward
| > |
| > |
| > | "California_Penn_Joe" wrote:
| > |
| > | > When using a personal pronoun (her) to refer to a personification
| (Dawn
| > or
| > | > West Wind, for example)do you capitalize it?
| >
| >