Do results show for automatically scheduled scans?

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I'm new to this, so please forgive me if dumb question. Last month, a friend
installed MSAS on my computer, and set it for automatic scans at 6AM. But,
it never showed the results of these automatic scans - nothing; but it does
show results from the manual scans I initiate. I thought maybe I needed to
re-install it, but this morning, I was online at 6AM, and it started to run
an automatic scan; so it appears to be working, but just not reporting the
results to me. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Geebee
Hi Geebee;
Don't take this personally... but try
Options > Settings > General > User Modes > radio button Novice User

then check your Spyware Scan > Scan Settings
Hello Dave,

I have the same problem as Geebee. I tried your solution, changing my
settings to Novice User (the "Display results...." was already checked). My
scan runs every night. This morning there still was no on-screen summary.

I just changed my settings back to Knowledgeable User and checked the
Display Results box, and saved the settings. Then I went back to the Spyware
Scan page and the Display Results box is unchecked. It is not saving the
setting when Knowledgeable User is checked. Then I changed myself back to
Novice User and the Display Results box is checked and saved. (So now I see
why you told us to choose Novice User.)

This feature has worked on two other computers on which MAS is installed
(and with "Knowledgeable User" checked), but not on this one. Win XP Pro

Any other suggestions?

Can you try making some other settings changes, and see whether they "stick"
once you exit the UI and then come back?

If this is broader than just this setting, my fix is as follows:

1) uninstall Microsoft Antispyware
2) delete \program files\microsoft antispyware and all subfolders
You'll lose access to any quarantined items, history, and custom settings.
3) reinstall Microsoft Antispyware, taking care to be installing the current
version, and logged in as the administrator level user who will most often
use the program.

Dear Bill,

Thank you for the suggestions. I hope to find time this weekend to try them.
I'll report back when I do have time.

Great--I'm confident--this has worked for a number of folks--and it doesn't
take very long, in the end. I suspect the corruption is probably within
just one or two files in the installation folder, but I haven't had a test
case to look at and try to spot exactly where the issue is and whether
there's a quicker simpler fix.

Bill, I tried what you suggested, even tried Dave M's suggestion, however I
am still having the same problem that GeeBee is experiencing. If I uncheck
the "Display the scan results window after a spyware scan" box and try saving
it, it reverts back to being checked. Even though it is checked, I still do
not receive the summary report during a "scheduled" scan. Be for removing
the app and deleting all files, folders, etc. and reloading, the check box
was blank and would never stay checked after the update. I am running
current versions on both computers, but just having this problem on one of
them. Do I need to look at the registry files as well?

Steve Tremayne
Dear Bill,

Over the weekend I followed your instructions (uninstalled MSAV, deleted the
program folder, downloaded the current version, and installed it). This did
not fix the problem and the settings continued not to stick. Furthermore, I
happened to do this during the time the update servers were down; thus I
received the error message that "an internet connection cannot be detected".
Since this error message implies my connection is bad, I spent a long while
trying to figure out why MSAV was the only program on my computer that could
not connect to the internet, assuming my firewall was blocking it. (Monday
morning I learned from this newsgroup that this message means the MS server
was unavailable!)

Anyway, because the problems seemed worse after doing the update I used
Norton GoBack to restore my computer to a state prior to all my work.
(GoBack restores the entire computer, not just system files as does System
Restore.) This restored my system back to the original installation of MSAV.
I rechecked all my settings and left it on overnight. Monday morning, and
again this morning, MSAV (finally, for the first time) showed me the Scan
Results page after having run a full scan at 4:00 AM.

This means that whatever was wrong has mysteriously fixed itself, because I
do not have any newer version installed than I did on Friday. It also means
my wasted time over the weekend was not wasted, since restoring my system
afterwards did the trick. Perhaps MSAV could sense I was beginning to think
about uninstalling it and purchasing Webroot SpySweeper, and it decided it
better shape up!

Also, Monday morning I learned the error message "an internet connection
could not be detected" really means the MS server was unavailable. It would
be helpful if the error message was more accurate, actually telling us the
server is unavailable. That would have saved me (and probably others) some

Bill, thanks for your help. I am pleased both with MSAV and the good support
from you and your colleagues. There are a lot of support forums that are
"support" in name only, but we get courteous and helpful help (actual help!)
here. This forum still gives the sense of talking with a small company or
group of developers, instead of with the largest software company in the

At this point, if MS decides to charge for MSAV after the beta, I intend to
buy it.

Best wishes,
Gene said:
Bill, thanks for your help. I am pleased both with MSAV and the good
support from you and your colleagues. There are a lot of support forums
that are "support" in name only, but we get courteous and helpful help
(actual help!) here. This forum still gives the sense of talking with a
small company or group of developers, instead of with the largest software
company in the world.

At this point, if MS decides to charge for MSAV after the beta, I intend
to buy it.

Thanks very much for the kind words, Gene. They're much appreciated, by
myself and every one of the others here who contribute to answering the
They aren't going to charge, though, although they'd be happy if you'd
spring for Windows OneCare Live, which is expected eventually to include the
antispyware provisions along with its current antivirus and backup and
defrag capabilities.

Thanks; I am going to check out OneCare Live, but I will not sign up until
it has been rated by others. I like putting together "best of category"
solutions from multiple vendors, so if OneCare Live receives great
evaluations from the sites/magazines I read then I will take a further look
at it (especially if it saves money).

It is great news that Microsoft will not charge for MSAV.

Kind regards,