Barbwire said:
I use Outlook Express & when I want to delete an email without it opening
what do I do? As soon as I highlight the email it automatically opens
could be a good way to pick up virus. I try to click delete quickly but
message opens faster than I can click on delete. Any suggestions?
First, you've asked in a Windows Vista Mail discussion group, and you need a
group for Outlook Express. As you appear to be using a web interface to
post, here's how to find the right group.
Click the + beside your language. then scroll down to Windows. In Windows,
open the category for Outlook Express. Find a group there to post in.
Second, I think you're overreacting. I've used Outlook Express for years
before switching (on all but one PC) to Vista and the Vista replacement for
Outlook Express, Windows Mail. I've *never* contracted a virus or any other
sort of malware simply by selecting a message in my OE (or WM) inbox and
then deleting it. Most modern AV software will protect you if kept up to
date. you know
Set your OE for text only as an added precaution, and *never* click links or
download attachments in email unless *you know* the sender.