Hi Forest,
not sure about a form ... on a report, it is easy
In code, it is on page 1, make the report footer not
visible, otherwise, make it visible.
if you want to reference [Page] or [Pages] in code, put
calculated controls on your report and compare them instead
of the variables... for instance:
Name --> PageNo
ControlSource --> =Page
Name --> NumPages
ControlSource --> =Pages
(you don't need this one)
once these controls are on the report (they can be hidden),
you can get the values in code
now, put this code in the report footer event:
If PageNo = 1 then
me.Footer_sectionname.visible = false
me.Footer_sectionname.visible = true
end if
Warm Regards,
remote programming and training
My Analyzer
.... the ultimate Data Dictionary Tool
by Crystal

have an awesome day
