Do Not Append to Table If records Already Exist

  • Thread starter Thread starter Amy Adams via
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Amy Adams via

I have a complicated situation that I will do my best to explain. Been
trying to puzzle this one our for a couple days now.

I have 4 tables

1. Physicians - Primary Key "UPIN"
2. Groups - Primary Key "Group ID"
3. Plans - Primary Key "PlanID"
4. PhysicianPlan - Combines all 3 primary keys in large table UPIN,
PlanID, and GroupID this table has over 34,000 records

The following is an example of PhysicianPlan

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If a new physican needs to be added to the database it is done through a
form. This form contains a command button that runs an append query.
Append query add all necessary plans and groups to new physician. What has
been happening occasionally is that a user appends a physician that does
not need appending and duplicate records are added to my PhysicianPlan table


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How can I stop the duplicates? Can I give my user a warning that says
"This physician is already updated with Plans and Groups. Proceed Anyway?"
and give thme a choice.

Here are the 3 things I have thought to try:

1. I have thought about using Dlookup and was looking at the previous post
titled "3 Fields together unique/no duplicates" where code looked like

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
Dim vFound As Variant
vFound = DLookUp("PersonID", "your-table-name", "[FName] = """ & _
Me!txtFName & """ AND LName = """ & Me!txtLName & _
""" AND PostCode = '" & Me!txtPostCode & "'")
If Not IsNull(vFound) Then
MsgBox "This person's name already exists. Proceed anyway?", _
If iAns = vbNo Then Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

But cannot seem to get it to work for me.

2. I also, looked into trying to add critera to my append query but cannot
figure that out.

3. Finally I looked into adding something into the condition statement of
my macro that runs the append query. to stop macro if criteria already

Any suggestions?
Hi Amy

I had a similar problem. I finally didn't even use the rs.RecordCount
because it gave back 1 when there was actually no such record in the table.

use the SQL generated by your (select!)query

if the function returns 1 the record already exists otherwise a 0 is

maybe I could give you an idea ?!
Public Function CheckPersonAlreadyIn(ByVal personName As String) As Integer
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim SQL As String
Dim numRec As Integer

numRec = 0
Set db = CurrentDb
SQL = "SELECT Count(tblPhysicians.Name) AS Counted FROM tblPhysicians
WHERE (((tblPhysicians.Name)= '" & personName & "'));"

'Debug.Print SQL

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL)
If Not IsNull(rs) Then
numRec = rs("Counted")
Debug.Print numRec
CheckPersonAlreadyIn= numRec
End If

End Function


Amy Adams via said:
I have a complicated situation that I will do my best to explain. Been
trying to puzzle this one our for a couple days now.

I have 4 tables

1. Physicians - Primary Key "UPIN"
2. Groups - Primary Key "Group ID"
3. Plans - Primary Key "PlanID"
4. PhysicianPlan - Combines all 3 primary keys in large table UPIN,
PlanID, and GroupID this table has over 34,000 records

The following is an example of PhysicianPlan

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If a new physican needs to be added to the database it is done through a
form. This form contains a command button that runs an append query.
Append query add all necessary plans and groups to new physician. What has
been happening occasionally is that a user appends a physician that does
not need appending and duplicate records are added to my PhysicianPlan table


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How can I stop the duplicates? Can I give my user a warning that says
"This physician is already updated with Plans and Groups. Proceed Anyway?"
and give thme a choice.

Here are the 3 things I have thought to try:

1. I have thought about using Dlookup and was looking at the previous post
titled "3 Fields together unique/no duplicates" where code looked like

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
Dim vFound As Variant
vFound = DLookUp("PersonID", "your-table-name", "[FName] = """ & _
Me!txtFName & """ AND LName = """ & Me!txtLName & _
""" AND PostCode = '" & Me!txtPostCode & "'")
If Not IsNull(vFound) Then
MsgBox "This person's name already exists. Proceed anyway?", _
If iAns = vbNo Then Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

But cannot seem to get it to work for me.

2. I also, looked into trying to add critera to my append query but cannot
figure that out.

3. Finally I looked into adding something into the condition statement of
my macro that runs the append query. to stop macro if criteria already

Any suggestions?

Thanks so much for the reply. Since I am kind of a medium Acces user (not
beginner not adanced) I do not get into SQL much. When you say "use the
SQL generated by your (select!)query" what does this mean exactely. Where
is it I am putting this code?

Thanks so much it is greatly appreciated
Amy .... Good Morning.

every query has a design view and when you open it some kind of run-time
view. in addition to that when your query is e.g. opened in design view
there is a tab (drop-down at top left corner in access) where a 3rd
possibility - SQL view - is given.

all queries generate sql in order to get out data from the database .... the
access queries are only a 'graphical' way of generating them

sorry ... forgot to mention that in order to do something like a COUNT on a
query, you must turn on the 'Functions' when in design view of query (lower
part - right click.)

try to generate this (separate new!) count query first

then you test it by putting a e.g. a persons name 'Smith' into the criteria
of column physiciansName.... run it - if Mr Smith is already in you'll get
a 1 or maybe even a 2 if there are 2 Smiths....

you only run your append query when there is a result of 0 - so 0 persons
are found with that name ....

(maybe test on surname AND forename as the criteria)

the criteria comes from your loaded! form - so you could use the 'expression
builder' .. it should then look somehow like this :
[Forms]![yourformname]![textboxPersonsName] and this is the criteria

what I meant with take the code from your(select!) query ... is the above
count query ... and where to put it..... inside the function' SQL I posted
.... instead of mine .... the ByVal PersonName is what is in

Maybe I was just confusing you with so much sql stuff I guess

I hope that gives you a bit of a starting point but someone else may have a
better way for you to solve this
