Do incompetent couriers count...?


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
This area is, I know, intended for comments about retailers, but I have a grouse about City Link, who are, imho, not really helping the image of some of the stores they serve.

Ok, so human errors occur sometimes. Fair enough. A package ordered from John Lewis, (for which we paid an extra £6.95 for the convenience of next-day delivery) apparently went astray. Somehow, City Link managed to send it to the incorrect Depot, so, instead of receiving the goods, they remained stuck in transport limbo. Or, as CL eloquently put it " the goods are on route to the Delivery Depot."

They actually remained "on route" for approximately 29 hours, according to their tracking website, so presumably they had a nice, enjoyable trip around the country.

We contacted CL, to try and sort out when the goods would be delivered... but that was pretty hopeless. The automated voice merely said that the package would be delivered "tomorrow" (that's today, Friday 13th.)

Oh no... that would not be any good, no one would be at home to receive it ... that's actually why I paid for the next day service, as you do.

Anyway, we contacted John Lewis' Customer Services, who were, as usual, very helpful. The woman who took the call immediately reimbursed the delivery fee and after explaining the problem about not being available today, she said she would contact City Link to make arrangements for a Saturday delivery instead. She promised to call back.

Within about 10 - 15 minutes, she did. The delivery had been rescheduled for Saturday. I asked was that "definite" and she assured me it was.

Imagine our surprise on returning home from Cardiff, to see the package propped-up just outside our front door! It was only packed in cardboard... so had the skies opened as they did yesterday... well, I hardly need to elaborate.

Those numpties had just left an expensive item (£140 worth actually) in an insecure place. They obviously hadn't obtained a signature. They didn't bother to put a card through the door to say they'd left it (so if someone had walked off with it, we wouldn't even have known that it had been delivered!)

How on earth do these idiots stay in business? I've looked around the internet and found numerous comments and reviews from others, all of whom quote similar experiences - some much worse.

Yes, it's nice to have the item, and thankfully, it appears to be intact - apart from some damaged packaging. But this really is no thanks to those thoughtless incompetants. I mean, come on...! The packaging stated exactly what was contained within. So they can't even claim ignorance regarding its value.

Sheesh! I just feel so darned mad! Around here, City Link actually used to be very good. But having had a few similar problems with them over the past year, it's hard not to feel a sense of despair on discovering that they have been selected to handle a delivery. :wall:
I now ask, "who does the deliveries", if it be City Link, I tell them I'll slit me wrist first ... :nod:

I did once suggest to a CL representative that their drivers get guide dogs, but I think the GDftB refused saying something about the RSPCA wouldn't allow it. :eek:

If it can't go by the tinternet, I won't bother. :)
Yes, courier firms count for this section, 'retailers' kinda covers them, they supply a service after all so they are as much a supplier as any retailer in my opinion.

I agree, City Link did used to be ok but they've gone all to pieces lately, that's been my opinion too.

The only delivery company I've had a 100% level of satisfaction from has been DPD with UPS mostly good but I had a problem with them last week which spoilt their so far perfect record.

UPS were supposed to collect my second faulty Lexmark printer between 09:00 and 13:00 but I got a call at noon (answerphone message on my mobile) saying the driver would now call 'before five o clock'. He didn't. I phoned them at 17:20 and they said the driver had called and I wasn't in and that he was now back at the depot.

The driver lied, I was at home all day, and if my intercom/door entry system had been called and I missed it the display led would be red but it was green and he didn't leave a card either. The printer was actually collected two days ago by a competent and friendly UPS driver.

And there we have it, it's often a case of how good a driver is but most companies pay very poor wages for very long hours so it's no surprise we often get a shoddy service.

Like Mucks, I won't entertain City Link at all and whilst we're on the subject the same goes for Yodel, they are even worse than City Link in my experience.

Glad you got your parcel ok TC, you were very lucky it wasn't stolen.
I have a long-term relationship with logistics companies due to my job & hobbies as well, and my overall experience with most of the European and American companies isn't really satisfactory apart from a few cases.
The most reliable and "customer-friendly" company thus far for me is DHL.
They're almost always delivering the goods by the initial schedule, sometimes even a day or two earlier.
Only had like 2 packages go through customs, while they shouldn't as far as I know since beta testing & review samples are not for sale & come with no commercial value ( 0$ ).

FedEx on the other hand is a company that failed me several times, royally screwing up several deliveries.
With FedEx paying customs tax is a sure thing in my case.
Sure it is nice to get approx 100-120$ added value per delivery + the tax from the customer, isn't it ?
When I asked their customs dpt. why is it that only with them all my packages go through customs even when they shouldn't according to EUs laws, they acted like they didn't care, knew nothing, and told me "check with a lawyer"... OK :D

Had all kinds of issues, but never ever had an item left outside, they always call me if nobody's at my place, never had a single package dropped off ( although I had one package delivered to another person, whose full name matched mine LOL ).

I thought after what happened with FedEx ( I believe y'all have seen the video with the FedEx guy tossing a TV over the front door of a guy's house in USA on youtube, it went viral :D ) the companies would take better care of the goods and keep an eye on their employees, but... oh well.
This sounds very familiar... we live in a flat - with a working intercom - and it's amazing how often we get told that the driver attempted delivery... except that we were home the whole time and he blatently didn't.

I have to say though, I've been really impressed with DPD recently. I've got a month-long trial of Amazon Prime at the moment (which means you get next day delivery for free) and each morning of a delivery I get an email with the estimated hour-long arrival window, and it has always been correct.

I agree with feckit that you should let John Lewis know - maybe suggest they try DPD instead!
I had a delivery from Argos the other day. El-cheapo computer desk and el-cheapo Epson printer. The buzzer went so I pressed button to let the person in, only to be told I had to come carry my own stuff as drivers don't walk up 3 flights of stairs. As it was a woman person I went down to help. Delivery van was an old clapped out Luton van, driver had no ID or no sign of working for Argos. I carried the desk up and she carried the printer, which she dropped on the first flight of stairs. All she could say was " Ooops sorry " and laughed. At my front door I asked did I have to sign any thing and she just said " Nah mate " and walked off.
At my front door I asked did I have to sign any thing and she just said " Nah mate " and walked off.

Now if you were dishonest which your not you could claim not to have had the delivery.
And ask for it to be delivered again or your money back?

At work we always sign, print & write "unchecked" on delivery note just in case of mishaps.
Mucks: your comment made me laugh... but you have the right idea methinks ;)

Flopps and Becky: Oh yes, DPD have been awfully good here too. We've had an Amazon Prime account for the past couple of years and so far, DPD have been the most efficient of all the couriers we've encountered. They usually arrive within the first ten minutes of their estimated hour.

There are some very heated customer discussions going on over at Amazon, regarding HDNL (Yodel) which is coming in for a lot of flack.

Feckit: Yes, funny you should say that, I have just typed a letter to JL, because when all has been said, City Link is kind of making rude hand-gestures to them, just as much as they are to us, the customers. So we'll see if JL are prepared to do anything about it, or will (like other companies) just put-up with City Link's dubious "service."

BenchZowner: It sounds like you're getting a pretty good service from most of the couriers - apart from the FexEx mess-ups and their odd Customs policies you mentioned.

Perhaps that's the difference between the USA and here...? Folk in service industries appear to be a little more ready to do their job well and actually give a good service in the US, whereas here, they seem to lack enthusiasm - to say the least.

Of course, I'm not losing sight of the low-pay and long hours that Flopps mentioned. That doesn't help to instill enthusiasm in anyone, but when people do their job well, I'm inclined to think it has a knock-on effect.

We received a compliment from a supermarket grocery delivery driver just recently, for being consistently "cheerful" which I thought was nice. :) But apparently, not everyone treats them courteously and some customers are even downright rude. So I guess it works both ways, doesn't it?

Evan: Oh no! Was your printer all right after being dropped..? Actually, I've noticed that more and more companies have some blurb in their delivery policies, which states that they will only deliver to the front door. Sometimes just the kerb-side!

I think one of the worst things is being lied-to. It's so frustrating to hear that "a delivery was attempted but you were out" when no... you were actually sitting right there, waiting for it!

Internet/mail order shopping has, it seems, been on the increase for quite some time now, so it would be good to think that the couriers would all start to get their respective acts together, to make it more efficient and a better experience all round.

ooh-er.... perhaps I should step down from this soap-box before I fall off it!! :lol:
I used to moonlight or as we called it in the fire service "do fiddle jobs" and I mostly did HGV driving and courier work for several companies. The main problem is that the ofice wallers give drivers too many drops to do in the time and also the drivers them selves. Some drivers as floppy said never arrive at the place to deliver the parcel but clame that that there was no one in, they do not usualy last long before they get the sack. I must admit that a lot depends so much on the driver.

We had one City Link driver who came from the Aylesford depot who was very good, but if my package came through the Larkfield depot nine times out of ten I would have to collect it as I suposedly had been out. The guy from the Aylesford depot used his common sence as I lived on a Kent County Council site if I wasent in he would let me know by droping a note in my bungalow which reception he had left it in, so I would collect later on. As I said much depends on the driver but many times the problem is that are ether overloaded with deliverie mostly inexcess of 100 drops and often leave the depot late because the van has not been loaded. I am not giving excuses for poor service from the courier companies but one of the problems is that the customer goes for the lowest price which often means corners are cut to be able to deliver and make a profit especialy now that the price of fuel is so high.
Evan: Oh no! Was your printer all right after being dropped..? Actually, I've noticed that more and more companies have some blurb in their delivery policies, which states that they will only deliver to the front door. Sometimes just the kerb-side!

Printer was fine, it was in quite thick polysirene packing. I have also seen some people advertise delivery only to the door. In this case with Argos I had made a note if they used the other door then they would have been able to make use of the lift
Well we've just had our own 'experience'!! ParcelForce were meant to be delivering a parcel on Thursday and we were both in. Got a card through the post on Friday to say they had attempted delivery (utter rubbish!), although I was mildly impressed that they went to the trouble of posting a card - they usually just throw them on the floor near our intercom.

Anyway when Ian phoned up to arrange a redelivery he was told that it had been dropped off at a Post Office so we'd have to collect it from there.

Given that we'd paid £7.65, it seems insane that they didn't even both to try and deliver it or even give us the option of a redelivery. Delivery, to me, means that they take it to you... not some place near you.

GRRRRR!!! :mad:
Had a problem with one delivery company last year when i bought some beer.
I waited in on my day off & no delivery, phoned the supplier up who called delivery people.
Surprised to hear that delivery company could not find my house, strange no one else does!

I ended up having to collect from the delivery depot, which opened at 0600 on Saturday.
So i rolled up at 0600 to collect my 2 boxs.
Got told that my address did not exist on their sat-nav.
Strange as the post office, dhl, ups & dpd can all find it!
By this stage i just wanted my parcels.

I phoned the supplier up and told them all about the saga.
Ended up with a nice letter from supplier & news they had changed their delivery company.
Seems that even small buyers like me are still worth the business to them.
I now collect direct from them when i'm down in the South West, which is often.
:thumb:It is nice to know at least some suppliers will stop using a delivery service that does not deliver most, cannot be bothered. They should because you have a contract with the supplier to deliver to your door and that is what you pay for, in other words the contract is broken by the delivery company so therefore you want restitution from the supplier and not the delivery company as your contract is not with them.
An update, for anyone who might be interested. :)

As mentioned above, a letter was semt to John Lewis' Customer Relations Department (posted on Monday.) In it, I explained what had happened, expressed my disappointment that City Link had not only chosen to ignore the delivery re-schedule arranged by JL's Customer Services, but had then gone on to leave the parcel in an insecure, unsheltered place.

Yesterday, there was a reply from JL Customer Relations Manager, (pretty speedy, we thought.) She was very apologetic and says she will " addressing matters directly with my equal at City Link to express my thoughts on their handling of your order and your concerns."

She went on to say there would be an internal investigation " ensure that no other customer is affected in this way."

I genuinely wish her success with this, because other companies such as, don't seem to have had much success - judging from some of the comments in their City Link Customer Discussion area.

To our genuine surprise, JL has given us a £25 refund! :eek: That was unexpected, because I hadn't blamed them, but merely drew their attention to the shortcomings of their chosen courier service. A very kind gesture though.

Anyway..... today, we are expecting two pieces of cookware to be delivered (from Amazon this time.) Guess what..? Yes, one piece is coming via DPD, the other via City Link! Both are trackable.

DPD, in its no nonsense way, has promised that the parcel will be here between 15:20 and 16:20 today. City Link's website have dithered - as usual. At 7 am, it was showing that the goods had "successfully arrived at the Depot ready for delivery" (that was at 02:14.)

I kept checking back and, it wasn't until 8:45, that the message was updated to say the goods were on the delivery van (apparently since 6:38)... planned delivery time..? Yup, the usual "Between 7:30 and 17:30" today.

Be interesting to see whether it turns up this time... and where!! :D
Good luck with the new parcels! We've got 4 things arriving tomorrow... all ordered from Amazon and arriving with 3 different courriers :lol:. Should be fun!

To our genuine surprise, JL has given us a £25 refund! :eek: That was unexpected, because I hadn't blamed them, but merely drew their attention to the shortcomings of their chosen courier service. A very kind gesture though.

Now that's good service :thumb:.
Good luck with the new parcels! We've got 4 things arriving tomorrow... all ordered from Amazon and arriving with 3 different courriers :lol:. Should be fun!

Now that's good service :thumb:.
Good luck to you too with the three couriers. :thumb:

City Link delivered at lunchtime. DPD rang the doorbell at 2:20 pm... they're unbeatable for time-keeping, very impressive. If they can manage to be so accurate and keep to their ETAs, it makes one wonder why their competitors find it so difficult.
This sounds very familiar... we live in a flat - with a working intercom - and it's amazing how often we get told that the driver attempted delivery... except that we were home the whole time and he blatently didn't.

I have to say though, I've been really impressed with DPD recently. I've got a month-long trial of Amazon Prime at the moment (which means you get next day delivery for free) and each morning of a delivery I get an email with the estimated hour-long arrival window, and it has always been correct.

Just hope to god that Amazon dont use HDNL/Yodel to deliver to you as they seem to do way too often to me...... I'd love to be able to choose who delivers my stuff, especially as i am a Prime member too

HDNL are the worst company i have ever dealt with, ever....

- Xmas last year the GF had a pressie delivered to the salon she works at (she's a hairdresser) and they delivered it on a Sunday, and seemingly left it on the doorstep of the salon. Needless to say it wasn't there on Monday morning!

- They've delivered parcels to the neighbours before, and not told/carded us to say so, thankfully we get on well with them.

- Not long ago i had some Protein delivered and the driver simply threw it over the gates and walked on...! Now the place i order it from ( have stopped using them due to the amount of complaints they have been getting, now they use DPD (yay!)

Rant over. :)
Good to hear that TC, John Lewis DO really care about the humble customer.
I too am expecting something today, but from the post office/parcel force so hope it arrives!

And dont forget folks by complaining or posting negative feedback some suppliers do listen to what the customers are saying about the shoddy service they get from delivery companies!!