Do imported tables carry any excess baggage with them

  • Thread starter Thread starter Phred Bear
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Phred Bear

I had a problem a while ago where my Access 2000 db kept crashing and losing
the data. I have no idea what was causing it. Something must have been
corrupted I believe. I created a new db and imported all the tables, forms
modules reports queries etc from a copy of the crashed db and it worked fine
for several months without any problems. I have just made some simple
changes by adding a couple of fields to one of the tables and putting
textboxes on the main form to show the data. It is back to square one with
regular crashes. I made a new db and imported all the components again and
it crashed soon after so I tried it again. Same result.

My question is, can importing tables, modules, forms etc bring with it any
corrupt code or is it all squeeky clean. In Delphi, this usually solves any
corruption issues. If it is a clean import, I will have to think of
something else which might be causing the problem. I could probably export
the data to Excel as a CSV file and re-import it but that will be a lot of

Problem is, my hands are tied because it is for my wife at work and is on a
Government server so I can't gain access to it, to do a split
FrontEnd/BackEnd db or change any defaults once I e-mail it to her.

Any ideas?
Yes, imported objects can bring corruption with them.
No, it does not usually happen.

I have just made some simple changes by adding a couple of fields to one
of the tables and putting textboxes on the main form to show the data. It
is back to square one
with regular crashes.

Turn off Name Autocorrect. (Tools,Options,General).


<< Turn off Name Autocorrect. (Tools,Options,General).>>

Thanks for that. Once you are aware of it, there is a wealth of information
out there about it.

Ian Millward