Carolyn S.
Hi -
I am trying to get my scheduling database to display one field over anotehr
is a conditional statement is correct.
For Example:
Bob is assigned to be a Parker so I need the Parker Report Time to display
instead of the Cashier Report Time.
I wrote this Iif statement:
Report Time: IIf([Availaibilty]![Assignment]="Parker"," [Event]![Parker
Report Time]"," [Event]![Cashier Report Time] ")
and it's working correctly but instead of showing my the time to report, it
just shows "[Event]![Parker Report Time]". Is there anyway to get this to
link to the actual numeric time?
I am trying to get my scheduling database to display one field over anotehr
is a conditional statement is correct.
For Example:
Bob is assigned to be a Parker so I need the Parker Report Time to display
instead of the Cashier Report Time.
I wrote this Iif statement:
Report Time: IIf([Availaibilty]![Assignment]="Parker"," [Event]![Parker
Report Time]"," [Event]![Cashier Report Time] ")
and it's working correctly but instead of showing my the time to report, it
just shows "[Event]![Parker Report Time]". Is there anyway to get this to
link to the actual numeric time?