Do i need to re-install win2k?


Mu Mu

Maybe I need to re-install win2k because I set up modem
sharing but dial-up won't save password properly -
sometimes it comes up blank, and username has changed to
win2k login user. my outlook account saves password fine,
but dial-up seems different?

modem sharing deleted and set up again, but still
sometimes gives wrong username and no password.

do i need to re-install windows?

Mu Mu.


if you have w2k why not setup a second account, rather
than modem sharing, that way the other persons profile is
kept seperate from yours, no password conflicts.
Just delete the current properties to your internet
connection, after first documenting them, so you can put
them back in, delete the second user.
log in as admin and create the second account for that 2nd
person, then setup their profile so they can dial out.

Mu Mu

I don think you understand - modem sharing set up to share
internet over LAN for 3 PCs. only 1 user logging in on
each PC. Sorry If i did not explain better in last

Mu Mu.

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