Do I need a new Computer?

Aug 7, 2010
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I'm new to this, so please forgive me if I ramble or sound a bit thick!

I currently have a Dell Dimension 8300, pentium 4, 512MB RAM, windows XP. I connect to the internet via BT broadband (homehub wireless connection) and have Norton antivirus installed.

Recently the system has started to run really slowly at times - not just stuff like msn which is nearly always painfully slow, but also when using windows. Do you think it's time to replace this desktop and, if so, can anyone recommend a system for me. I don't do gaming, watch movies, or download lots of music. I use it mainly for emailing, storing and editing photos, family trees and general net surfing. I would hope not to spend much more than £500 (not including a new monitor and keyboard).

Any advice would be very welcome.

Welcome to PCR. :)

Though that is an older PC it should still be good for general home/office tasks etc. Just not gaming.

You say its started to run slow which suggested it just needs a bit of 'maintenance' ;)

Do you defrag, or clean it up at all?

Also check out how much space is left on the hard drive. (go to my computer, and look at the drive's free space) If its less than 20% Then that could have an impact on performance.

Have a in this thread:

Go to System Cleanup, Testing and Tweaking Tools

Download and install Ccleaner (slim version found on the builds page) dont worry about the 'Registry' bit just use the cleaner.

Also just above it in the Spyware section download Malwarebytes, install, update and run a full scan to eliminate the possibility of and malware on the system.

Then post back


For your usage your pc is just fine.Obviously a newer pc would run faster but might not be worth spending a large sum of money on.

Here are a few alternatives to spending loads of dosh.

XP needs at least 512MB of ram to run nicely. So increasing your RAM to 1GB or even 2GB would make your pc seem a reasonable bit quicker. This would not cost a lot and you could fit the ram yourself, it realy is quite easy.For instance 512 MB of ram as below £14.

I'm guessing that your HDD os a ATA type. So buying a SATA type would give you a considerable boost. Once again they are easy to fit and you would be able to use the old HDD for staorage. You would have to swap the XP over to the new HDD or do a fresh install. Both these procedures are fairly straightforward but a little tiresome. The benefit of a fresh install is that your XP would fly along.
For instance you can get a 500GB F3 a very fast HDD for around £35."+SATA+II+Hard+Drive+?productId=37759

As to Norton the best thing you could do is uninstall it from your pc altogether as it is a resourse hog. You would need to install an anti-virus of some sort after that though. I use AVAST which is free and has not let me down. Otheres here recomend Microsoft Essentials and Kaspersky to name a few.

All good suggestions.

Definitely add 512Mb ram.

Then if de-fragging and Ccleaner don't make any difference consider reinstalling Win XP.

If you do this and you have only a single hard drive you will have to back up all your documents and pictures first, either to an external Hard Drive or by burning to DVD's.

And get rid of Nortons and install a free alternative. As well as the Microsoft software listed above there's also Avast, Antivir and AVG to choose from. But only install one of them.

There are links to all the free Anti Virus software in the link V_R has supplied.

And I agree, your machine is adequate for it's intended use.
Many thanks for all the advice. I have run a full scan (using Norton, which I will now uninstall - point taken). I've also defragmented.

I have just discovered that as well as Norton I have Windows Security Centre which has firewall, auto updates and virus protection all switched on. I can't remember downloading this but from what I've read on this site, I gather having two programmes is not recommended and possibly the cause of some of my problems. Once I have uninstalled Norton, do I still need to download an alternative or will the windows security be enough?

I do have an external hard drive, which I use to back up files - it actually has a larger capacity than my computer. I don't think I have a problem with free space on my hard drive, but take the point that XP may need more than 512MB to run well.
welcome to PCR

I have just discovered that as well as Norton I have Windows Security Centre which has firewall, auto updates and virus protection all switched on. I can't remember downloading this but from what I've read on this site, I gather having two programmes is not recommended and possibly the cause of some of my problems
No, you do not have two "antivirus" programs running ... Windows Security Centre just keeps an eye on what you do have installed & running in that era. Once you uninstall Norton, it will moan at you for not having an AV program installed.

Nothing wrong with MS's own Firewall.

As already mentioned, Microsoft Security Essentials will replace Norton, and, do a wee better job. ;)

I've now replaced Norton with Microsoft Security Essentials and downloaded and run Ccleaner. Along with the de-fragging, I'm hoping this might go some way to solving my problems. Have decided against spending out for a completely new system but will add another 512 RAM as advised.
Thank you all so much for your advice.
Dont forget this is a DELL system chaps, it wont have a 'real' windows disk with it..