I just bought a digital LCD monitor to replace my flat screen analo
monitor, hoping it will get better picture quality. However, it come
with two connection cables. One is a VGA cable and the other is a DV
cable. I can only connect the VGA cable and USB cable to the back o
my computer. There isn't a DVI connector. I'm using a DELL Dimensio
E310. So am I screwed? Am I still getting Analog picture quality eve
though it's a digital monitor?
Also, is there a real diiference between analog and digital monitors
Don't give me technical data. Is there a noticable difference
monitor, hoping it will get better picture quality. However, it come
with two connection cables. One is a VGA cable and the other is a DV
cable. I can only connect the VGA cable and USB cable to the back o
my computer. There isn't a DVI connector. I'm using a DELL Dimensio
E310. So am I screwed? Am I still getting Analog picture quality eve
though it's a digital monitor?
Also, is there a real diiference between analog and digital monitors
Don't give me technical data. Is there a noticable difference