I am not sure if i have to keep Window Defender in ON. It came with Windows
I have already a antivirus AVG 8.0 with all options activate.
Could you please tell me, if in some way the updates from microsoft (Windows
Defender) could overload my computer's memory?. or make it slower?.
Thank you for your answer.
1) It is not necessary to use Windows Defender in Vista.
2) Windows Defender may be uninstalled, if you wish.
3) DON'T USE IT, anyway.
I like to call it "Windows STOPPER", rather than "Windows Defender",
since it seems to stop more legitimate programs from running than
illegitimate ones.
3) The Updates do require a minimum amount of free ram to run.
4) The only way your "RAM" could get "overloaded" is if your system
simply doen't have enough RAM to use Windows Update.
5) Your computer will definitely slow down if you don't have enough
Disk space, or if your computer hasn't got adequate RAM to run
6) If you mean "will the updates from Microsoft, once installed,
overload your memory, the answer is "NO", since if there is not enough
physical RAM to accomplish the task at hand, Windows will page memory
to disk (i.e., "Virtual memory").
7) Memory paging to disk WILL slow your computer down, since it will
take longer to access the data which has been paged to disk, physical
memory access being much faster than disk access.
Vista wants as MUCH PHYSICAL MEMORY as your machine can handle.
I advise you to "max-out" your memory slots (use the largest, fastest
memory sticks your motherboard is able to use.)
Also, when using Windows Update, ALWAYS disable ALL anti-malware
programs until the updates are installed (even if you have to
uninstall your Anti-virus program, and reinstall it once the updates
are installed). Not all AV programs may be temporarily unloaded from
memory, so such programs will have to be uninstalled while using
Windows Update.
Additionally, while you can do it, I do not advise running any other
programs while using Windows Update, so make sure they are not loaded
and running during that time.
Donald L McDaniel
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