Do I Have 1 Or 2?

  • Thread starter Thread starter TvNewsShooter
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How can I tell if I have MM version 1 or 2. When I look
at properties it just says movie maker. I'm already in
the middle of a test project so I don't want to try an
update yet though. (afraid i'll lose it.) I downloaded
SP2 when I got my new system about a month ago but I've
read that MM2 doesn't always "take".

When I'm done with this test movie I'll be back looking
up the common "drop frame" question and some others I
havn't seen posted yet.
Hi TvNewsShooter--

If you've installed SP2 successfully, then it's a good bet you have MM2.1.

But, here's how to confirm:
1. Choose "Start | "Run" and type: explorer
2. Navigate to %program files%/Movie Maker
3. On the toolbar, find the "views" button and set it to "Tiles" -- this
will let you easily see the file names*and* versions of the files in this
4. Verify that the following files have version 2.1.4026.0 : moviemk.exe,
wmm2ae.dll, wmm2ext.dll, wmm2filt.dll, wmm2fxa.dll, wmm2fxb.dll

(If you have wmmfilt.dll, wmmres.dll, and wmmutil.dll -- ignore them;
they're old files from a previous version of MM that got left behind in the

If you have a different version for any of the files listed in step 4, then
write back and I'll try to figure out what you need to do to fix your

Hope this helps!
-Kristen Miller [MS]
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