Do I always need to Dispose a Graphics objectÇ


Juan Dent


I understand that if one creates a Graphics object, as in
Graphics.FromImage(), then after using it it seems only logical do dispose it.

However, when one receives a Graphics object in a parameter (as in OnPaint(
PaintEventArgs)), then I assume it might be possible that this object be used
after the end of the current method, andçor ultimately disposed by the
internall code that created it in the first place. So, my gut tells me not to
Dispose this received Graphics.

Am I correct?

Peter Duniho

However, when one receives a Graphics object in a parameter (as in
PaintEventArgs)), then I assume it might be possible that this object be
after the end of the current method, andçor ultimately disposed by the
internall code that created it in the first place. So, my gut tells me
not to
Dispose this received Graphics.

Right. Don't dispose things you don't own. You only own it if either you
created it, or the whatever did create it has explicitly handed ownership
to you.


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