Hi Plun,
installed the antivirus program of that site!

WD and Trend alerts and blocks some items.
The program give a lot falls positives, you understand!

Did a uninstall, remove the dir by hand, did a regclean and then did a
fullscan with WD, and Trend AS,
WD found nothing, Trend AS found:
Started Scanning
Programs in Memory
Finished Scanning
IE Plugins: Found '{2178F3FB-2560-458F-BDEE-631E2FE0DFE4}' in
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects'
Windows Shell Settings: Found 'ShellExtension' in
Program Startup Areas: Found 'WinAntiVirusPro2006' in
Program Startup Areas: Found 'fat.exe' in
Started Backup
Finished Backup
Started Cleaning
UnregisterDll - Using Regsvr32.exe.
Cmd='C:\WINDOWS2\system32\regsvr32.exe /u /s "C:\Program
Files\WinAntiVirus Pro 2006\winpgi.dll"'
IE Plugins: Cleaned '{2178F3FB-2560-458F-BDEE-631E2FE0DFE4}' in
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects'
Windows Shell Settings: Cleaned 'ShellExtension' in
Program Startup Areas: Cleaned 'WinAntiVirusPro2006' in
Program Startup Areas: Cleaned 'fat.exe' in
Finished Cleaning
Started Scanning
Internet Cookies
CoolWebSearch Variants (CWShredder)
Programs in Memory
Windows Registry
Windows Registry: Found '' in
Windows Registry: Found '' in
Windows Registry: Found '' in
Windows Registry: Found '' in
Windows Registry: Found '' in
Windows Registry: Found '' in
Windows Registry: Found '' in
Windows Registry: Found '' in
Windows Registry: Found '' in
Windows Registry: Found '' in
Internet URL Shortcuts
Files and Directories
Finished Scanning
Started Backup
Finished Backup
Started Cleaning
Windows Registry: Cleaned '' in
Windows Registry: Cleaned '' in
Windows Registry: Cleaned '' in
Windows Registry: Cleaned '' in
Windows Registry: Cleaned '' in
Windows Registry: Cleaned '' in
Windows Registry: Cleaned '' in
Windows Registry: Cleaned '' in
Windows Registry: Cleaned '' in
Windows Registry: Cleaned '' in
Finished Cleaning
So WD did not found a thing and Trend AS found alot.
Regards >*< TOM *<
plun schreef: