DNS suffix appended to host names of desktop workstations

  • Thread starter Thread starter Spin
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DNS suffix appended to host names of desktop workstations in a Windows 2000
AD native-mode domain is done by what? DHCP or DNS?
Spin said:
DNS suffix appended to host names of desktop workstations in a Windows 2000
AD native-mode domain is done by what? DHCP or DNS?

You question is somewhat imprecise -- what exactly do you
wish to know?

DNS SERVER never "appends" names -- it resolves the names
that are requested.

Client DNS resolver does typically append an unqualified name
when making such requests (an unqualified name is ANY NOT
ending in a "."-dot.)

Generally you need the clients to set this in the system control
panel "Computer Name" tab on the (under Change\More or
another button label depending on OS version.)

DHCP can distribute Domain Names and DHCP can register
the clients name and address in DNS IF the DNS server accepts
"dynamic registrations" -- which it should for Win2000+ networks.

And, clients have a suffix search list in their NIC\IP\Advanced\DNS
properties -- this allows their DNS resolver to check "extra" suffixes
but it does NOT "change the name of the client itself."

Finally, on that same DNS property tab, you can specify an
"interface specific" DNS name for the client to use IF it registers
itself with DNS.