DNS setup between two domains

  • Thread starter Thread starter Leo
  • Start date Start date


Hi all. I have setup a VPN between two offices. Both
offices have their own DCs. I can connect at this point
from any machine to any other machine on each network, but
only if I use the \\ followed by the IP address of the
machine. I do not seem able to connect using the NetBIOS
name of the machine. Both DCs also have each other DNS
settings, but I was unable to create a trust between the
domains. Does anyone know what should be done in order for
me to be able to access a machine on the remote network
using \\jupiter rather than \\ I was also able
to join a machine on my network to the remote Domain. Do I
have to create a trust between the domains before it
allows me to access computers by name? Thanks in advance.
Both DCs also have each other DNS
-- Means that on the DNS of each Domain I created a
secondary zone with the DNS records of the other domain. I
also checked the log and it seems like the replication of
the DNS settings between the domains works. I did this in
hopes that I would be able to access the machines on the
remote Domain using their NetBios names....but no luck.
Still waiting on a answer that will lead to a solution
From what you are describing it sounds like you may need to add the
other domain to your TCP/IP DNS Search Suffixes.

What if you try \\jupiter.otherdomain.com?

Hi Fred. You were right on the money. The funny thing is,
I tried that from my machine, but the reason it wasn't
working was because I was having problems with my machine.
I am running Windows 2000 clients with Win2k Servers. How
would I go about adding the other domain to the Suffix? I
guess I'd have to do that uner the DNS tab on the TCP IP
properties wouldn't I? Thanks a million.
Would I have to add the DNS suffix to each client? What if
I added it to the server? The server IP is configured as
my primary DNS server on each client. So if I looked for a
machine called Hercules on the other network, wouldn't my
client go to the DC to resolve the name...and the DC would
be able to do that if it had the DNS suffix added to it's
TCP? I was just wondering...otherwise I have to go add it
to 50 machines
Putting the file on a domain GPO was what I needed to make
the process easy. Thank you for your help

Hi Leo,

If you want to resolve a host name in a different domain you can either use a suffix search order list or a secondary
zone of the other domain. Example: your domain name= yourdomain.com and the remote domain= remotedomain.com. On
your Primary dns server you would make a secondary zone called remotedomain.com. As long as your host names are
different in both domains you should be able to resolve this. You are correct in saying that your Client would query
your local DNS Server first. He would look in cache, and then the primary zone, them the secondary zone.

Tim Roberts [MSFT]

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