DNS Service not getting zones from Active Directory

  • Thread starter Thread starter SteveO
  • Start date Start date


I have a clustered pair of SQL servers running Windows 2000 Adv Server
that also act as DNS servers.

The DNS was working fine until I was trying to create a trust between
these server's domain and another domain.

DNS is setup as Active-directory integrated and I can see in the
active directory users tools in the System/MicrosoftDNS section that
it has zones there and within them many hosts which are correct along
with the udp/tcp/msdcs, etc., but they are not appearing in the DNS
Manager. I have tried a RELOAD and REFRESH and all that appears there
is the SOA/NS records for the internal domain I have setup and not all
the host records within a folder there (which is grayed out and just
shows a name server record for the machine).

I can see some "extra" zones in the Active Directory with my domain +
a GUID like




in addition to the mydomain.com and 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa Zones.

I am guessing these may have occurred because of the trust I tried to
create. Within there are some host records that are duplicates of
what is in the mydomain.com zone.

Previously this had all been working fine. Something seems to have
deactivated the zone so the DNS Service is not getting updates from
Active Directory EVEN though DNS is set to Load updates from the
Active Directory and Registry. Or DNS Manager thinks it is all up to
date when it really isn't.

The DNS Event Log shows (10) EventID 7062 errors every 15 minutes (The
DNS server encountered a packet addressed to itself). 10 is the
number of host records for machine names on the network that I can see
in the Active Directory's MicrosoftDNS area.

The System Event Log shows periodic NetLogin errors of EventID 5781
(Dynamic registration or deregistration of one or more DNS records
failed because no DNS Servers are available).

Anyone seen this....is there a way to rollback DNS? Or really FORCE a
reload of a zone from Active Directory which seems to have the right
SteveO said:
I have a clustered pair of SQL servers running Windows 2000 Adv Server
that also act as DNS servers.

The DNS was working fine until I was trying to create a trust between
these server's domain and another domain.

DNS is setup as Active-directory integrated and I can see in the
active directory users tools in the System/MicrosoftDNS section that
it has zones there and within them many hosts which are correct along
with the udp/tcp/msdcs, etc., but they are not appearing in the DNS
Manager. I have tried a RELOAD and REFRESH and all that appears there
is the SOA/NS records for the internal domain I have setup and not all
the host records within a folder there (which is grayed out and just
shows a name server record for the machine).

I can see some "extra" zones in the Active Directory with my domain +
a GUID like




in addition to the mydomain.com and 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa Zones.

I am guessing these may have occurred because of the trust I tried to
create. Within there are some host records that are duplicates of
what is in the mydomain.com zone.

Previously this had all been working fine. Something seems to have
deactivated the zone so the DNS Service is not getting updates from
Active Directory EVEN though DNS is set to Load updates from the
Active Directory and Registry. Or DNS Manager thinks it is all up to
date when it really isn't.

The DNS Event Log shows (10) EventID 7062 errors every 15 minutes (The
DNS server encountered a packet addressed to itself). 10 is the
number of host records for machine names on the network that I can see
in the Active Directory's MicrosoftDNS area.

The System Event Log shows periodic NetLogin errors of EventID 5781
(Dynamic registration or deregistration of one or more DNS records
failed because no DNS Servers are available).

Anyone seen this....is there a way to rollback DNS? Or really FORCE a
reload of a zone from Active Directory which seems to have the right

Creating a trust will NOT do this.

The CNF means its a duplicate entry. The system didn't know what to do wtih
it, so apparently the second one it found, it tagged the CNF prefix to
indicate its a dupe. The zone won't load because it doesn;t know which one
to use. If the original zone is not present, rename the CNF ones to the
original and then add the zone back in.

I can't see how you got a dupe entry unless you have more than one DC in the
same domain, or this is a mix between 2000 and 2003 DC/DNS servers and
accidentally specified the wrong replication scope on the 2003 server. Maybe
the active cluster node went down and failed over and that had an older
version, and went it failed back, it created a conflict. I normally don't
recommend to cluster DNS or DCs. SQL is fine to cluster. SQL, DC, DNS, etc,
on one box is additional overhead. Did you knwo when you promote a machine,
that writeback cache on the drive is disabled ? The performance hit is about

With all due respect, if I may suggest to just cluster your SQLs on a member
servers, but not DCs.


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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Windows Server - Directory Services

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