When a Windows XP client connects to VPN, it still uses the Internet
connection DNS server as the primary DNS server instead of the DNS servers
sent by RRAS.
This creates a problem if the same hostname is registered with different IP
addresses on the intranet vs. internet. It also creates a problems with many
wi-fi access points because they always return a positve DNS response to
redirect web-browsers to their login page.
Is there a way to force XP to use the VPN issued DNS servers first?
Alternatively, is there a way to block other routes and only allow the VPN
connection DNS server as the primary DNS server instead of the DNS servers
sent by RRAS.
This creates a problem if the same hostname is registered with different IP
addresses on the intranet vs. internet. It also creates a problems with many
wi-fi access points because they always return a positve DNS response to
redirect web-browsers to their login page.
Is there a way to force XP to use the VPN issued DNS servers first?
Alternatively, is there a way to block other routes and only allow the VPN