I have installed a first DC (called main) in the AD 2000 domain company.lan.
It hosts the DNS with Integrated Active Directory zones as well.
I also have installed an additional DC for the domain company.lan (called
branch). In the TCP properties for DNS I set the DNS of the main DC; so
branch is a client DNS of it. Everything works. During DCpromo of the branch
server, it contacts the DNS server hosted by main; after dcpromo of branch,
new SRV records about branch was written in the DNS.
Here's the question
I need to move my branch server into another site to be a DC for local LAN.
I plan to use it as local DC and GC for that users (instead of contact
central main server while the users authenticate itself). I'm going to setup
a process of creation of subnet, site object and link replication. I plan to
setup the DNS in my local branch PC as the DNS in the brach server. But
after DC promo it doesn't have any DNS, because the only DNS server is on
the main server.
How to setup a DNS server on the branch server as well ?
What will be the relationship between main DNS server and branch DNS server
Thanks in advance
It hosts the DNS with Integrated Active Directory zones as well.
I also have installed an additional DC for the domain company.lan (called
branch). In the TCP properties for DNS I set the DNS of the main DC; so
branch is a client DNS of it. Everything works. During DCpromo of the branch
server, it contacts the DNS server hosted by main; after dcpromo of branch,
new SRV records about branch was written in the DNS.
Here's the question
I need to move my branch server into another site to be a DC for local LAN.
I plan to use it as local DC and GC for that users (instead of contact
central main server while the users authenticate itself). I'm going to setup
a process of creation of subnet, site object and link replication. I plan to
setup the DNS in my local branch PC as the DNS in the brach server. But
after DC promo it doesn't have any DNS, because the only DNS server is on
the main server.
How to setup a DNS server on the branch server as well ?
What will be the relationship between main DNS server and branch DNS server
Thanks in advance