If Lqqks is your AD DNS DOmain name as it shows up in your ADUC console,
then that's the whole problem.
The netlogon service will never be able to register the AD's domain info of
"LQQKS" into the zone called "LQQKS.local" because they are mismatched.
That's called a disjointed namespace.
Rules are simple for registration:
1. AD DNS Domain name must match the Primary DNS Suffix as well as the zone
name in DNS which has updates enabled to at least "YES" in it's properties.
The netlogon service enumerates the data out of the AD database, then it
attempts to register that info into DNS, but it looks for the Primary DNS
Suffix to be of the same name. If it's not, then it's called a disjointed
namespace. I have a script that can force the Primary DNS SUffix to match
the AD name.
2. If the AD DNS Domain name is just "lqqks", andthen we have what we call a
single label domain name, which will cause problems. See this article for
more info on how to force AD and DNS to accept the registration. But the
zone you'll need to create must be called "lqqks":
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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2000, MCSE+I, MCSA, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory