DNS resolution issue



I am having an issue with a few Windows XP SP2 systems on our network. These
systems don't seem to use DNS to resolve names first, but uses WINS first.

We are on an Active Directory domain using Windows DNS and I have compared
this system with other systems that work fine.

If I do a ping from one of these systems I get "computer1" instead of
"computer1.domain.com". If a system is not in WINS, the computers cannot
ping them.

All systems have the same settings if you run ipconfig and all systems are
registered in DNS correctly.

Does anyone have an idea on what might be causing this?



Richard G. Harper

If it is just a few machines, and happens if the machines are moved to
different locations, I'd consider the possibility that spyware, adware or
other malware could be messing with name resolution.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
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