DNS resolution failing randomly.


S. Hyde

I'm having problems that appear to be DNS related, but
I'm at a loss... Any suggested troubleshooting steps you
can provide would be GREATLY appreciated. These problems
are seemingly random. I'm going along fine surfing the
net and all of a sudden my PC can't resolve anything.
Rebooting fixes the problem.

My versions are as follows:
- Windows XP Pro SP1a
- IE 6.0.2800.1106.xpsp2.030422-1633, SP1; Q818529;

Important Notes:
- The problem seemed to develop upon upgrading XP to
SP1a. Before SP1a this had never happened.
- I also installed a USB 2.0 PCI card around the same

Other facts:
- Everything is set to "automatic" in TCP/IP settings.
- I have an Internet Router. Rebooting the router
doesn't solve the problem.
- The gateway router shows my PC's IP address as an
ACTIVE connection.
- Both the primary and secondary DNS server IP addresses
show up in the router.
- As far as the router is concerned, everything appears
to be fine.
- This problem goes beyond IE. All DNS resolution is
broken - such as my e-mail client's ability to resolve
the pop and smtp server names.

Take a look at the problems below. This is very
interesting (and perplexing) to me. Google is only an
example. The following symptoms exist for every site I

I can nslookup Google, which implies that DNS is working:

C:\>nslookup www.google.com
Server: tampfldns04-amp.tampabay.rr.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: www.google.com

I cannot ping Google even though there are no
restrictions against ping. (I also cannot browse to
www.google.com in IE):

C:\>ping www.google.com
Ping request could not find host www.google.com. Please
check the name and try a

I cannot tracert to Google:

C:\>tracert www.google.com
Unable to resolve target system name www.google.com.

I can ping the IP address of Google (and I can also get
to Google by going to in IE):


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=156ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=237ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=161ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=157ms TTL=51

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 156ms, Maximum = 237ms, Average = 177ms

I can ping the DNS server that should be resolving
www.google.com for me:


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=54ms TTL=252
Reply from bytes=32 time=123ms TTL=252
Reply from bytes=32 time=87ms TTL=252
Reply from bytes=32 time=47ms TTL=252

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 47ms, Maximum = 123ms, Average = 77ms

I reboot and the problem goes away - for a while.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Matt DuBois [MSFT]

A couple of items to check out:

If you do "ipconfig /release" followed by "ipconfig /renew" can you resolve
DNS again?

Open up "winmsd", expand Components, Networking and click on Protocol.
Scroll through the list (it may be long) and see if any of the Names listed
there start with anything besides MSAFD or RSVP. If so, select all of the
text in the protocol window (click in the pane with the results, then go to
the Edit menu and pick Select All), and paste it into a reply to this

Some of the peer to peer file sharing apps install plug ins that mess with
this list. Some of those plug-ins intercept DNS requests for certain top
level domains and redirect them to their own servers. If there were a
problem with that plug-in, it could interfere with all of your DNS
resolution done by the OS. In that case, nslookup would still function,
since it is a program that goes out and does the lookup itself rather than
going through the process the OS uses.

You could also do a Google search on the name(s) that you find, and likely
will come up with more than a few links on how to remove the offending
program. Popular Spyware removal tools can detect most of these and remove
them also, though it is always a good idea to make sure you have the most
current version first.

S. Hyde

Thanks for the reply. ipconfig /release and /renew does
not fix the problem unfortunately. Also, it looks like
the results of winmsd are all MSAFT or RSVP. Just in
case, I am attaching the details below. Thanks again for
your assistance as this continues to be an aggravating
problem for me.

Name BMI over [MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP]]
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 0 bytes
Message Oriented No
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data Yes
Supports Graceful Closing Yes
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name BMI over [MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IP]]
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 63.93 KB (65,467 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting Yes

Name BMI over [RSVP UDP Service Provider]
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 63.93 KB (65,467 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption Yes
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting Yes

Name BMI over [RSVP TCP Service Provider]
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 0 bytes
Message Oriented No
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption Yes
Supports Expedited Data Yes
Supports Graceful Closing Yes
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP]
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 0 bytes
Message Oriented No
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data Yes
Supports Graceful Closing Yes
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IP]
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 63.93 KB (65,467 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting Yes

Name RSVP UDP Service Provider
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 63.93 KB (65,467 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption Yes
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting Yes

Name RSVP TCP Service Provider
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 0 bytes
Message Oriented No
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption Yes
Supports Expedited Data Yes
Supports Graceful Closing Yes
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD Pgm (RDM)
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 2.00 GB (2,147,483,647 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing Yes
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting Yes

Name MSAFD Pgm (Stream)
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 0 bytes
Message Oriented No
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented Yes
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing Yes
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting Yes

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{879BF85B-4690-
45F7-AD7D-8D34955C86E3}] SEQPACKET 0
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{879BF85B-4690-
45F7-AD7D-8D34955C86E3}] DATAGRAM 0
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{91096582-00B6-
418B-AEE4-E2A5312106FB}] SEQPACKET 1
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{91096582-00B6-
418B-AEE4-E2A5312106FB}] DATAGRAM 1
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{ACE851B5-8DB8-
47C9-9729-FD813D2C387C}] SEQPACKET 2
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{ACE851B5-8DB8-
47C9-9729-FD813D2C387C}] DATAGRAM 2
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{FC5BDD8D-2574-
4B3E-855D-4A3861D79F0F}] SEQPACKET 3
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{FC5BDD8D-2574-
4B3E-855D-4A3861D79F0F}] DATAGRAM 3
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{4DB969A3-55BB-
4BAE-809C-13A2E26DC721}] SEQPACKET 4
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{4DB969A3-55BB-
4BAE-809C-13A2E26DC721}] DATAGRAM 4
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No
-----Original Message-----
A couple of items to check out:

If you do "ipconfig /release" followed
by "ipconfig /renew" can you resolve

Matt DuBois [MSFT]

It looks like you do have something plugged into your Winsock, but I know
the list of stuff there can sometimes be a bit overwhelming.. The entries
where the name starts with "BMI over" indicate a component named BMI has
layered itself in there over the default components. A quick Google search
hasn't turned up anything on that name, so I'm not sure what it is. You have
a couple of ways you can proceed from here:

A) If you know what "BMI" is, uninstall it, and look for a newer version
before reinstalling.
B) Run a spyware removal tool (Google can help you find one - Spybot and Ad
Aware seem to be two frequently mentioned ones on the newsgroups) and see if
it tags this as spyware. The newest versions of each should be able to
safely remove it if it is spyware.
C) If you don't want to run a spyware removal tool (or if that doesn't
work), and you don't know what installed BMI, you can try and figure it out
yourself. Open up the registry editor and go to:


Under Catalog_Entries, you'll see some folders numbered 000000000001, etc.
Click on each, and look for the one with a "DisplayString" of "BMI". Then
look at the "LibraryPath" entry in the same folder, and that will give you
the path to the program's DLL. With luck, that path will give you an idea
of what the program that installed it is, and you can then try option A.

****Don't delete the entry, you can really mess yourself up. Let a spyware
remover or the program's own uninstaller remove it, to make sure that
everything is done cleanly. If you can't figure out the program to
uninstall, and a spyware remover doesn't pull it out, post back here.

Also post back here if you have any problems with the process, if none of
this fixes your problem, or just to let us know that pulling it out fixed
you up.


This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.

S. Hyde said:
Thanks for the reply. ipconfig /release and /renew does
not fix the problem unfortunately. Also, it looks like
the results of winmsd are all MSAFT or RSVP. Just in
case, I am attaching the details below. Thanks again for
your assistance as this continues to be an aggravating
problem for me.

Name BMI over [MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP]]


S. Hyde


Thank you for providing a good lead on what my problem
may be. I did figure out what the "BMI over" is. BMI is
a Winsock Transport installed by the Sprint PCS
Connection Manager. This is a tool designed to provide
direct Internet Service over your cell phone (no dialing

I have uninstalled this software and we'll see how it
goes. I found an obscure post in a yahoo newsgroup
(thanks to google) that mentioned a possible bug in the
BMI winsock transport. If this was the problem then DNS
never had anything to do with it, right? I think this
would actually be an error in the Listen and/or Accept
socket. Am I on track here?

Thanks again!
-----Original Message-----
It looks like you do have something plugged into your Winsock, but I know
the list of stuff there can sometimes be a bit overwhelming.. The entries
where the name starts with "BMI over" indicate a component named BMI has
layered itself in there over the default components. A quick Google search
hasn't turned up anything on that name, so I'm not sure what it is. You have
a couple of ways you can proceed from here:

A) If you know what "BMI" is, uninstall it, and look for a newer version
before reinstalling.
B) Run a spyware removal tool (Google can help you find one - Spybot and Ad
Aware seem to be two frequently mentioned ones on the newsgroups) and see if
it tags this as spyware. The newest versions of each should be able to
safely remove it if it is spyware.
C) If you don't want to run a spyware removal tool (or if that doesn't
work), and you don't know what installed BMI, you can try and figure it out
yourself. Open up the registry editor and go to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\WinSock2 \Parameters\NameSpa

Under Catalog_Entries, you'll see some folders numbered 000000000001, etc.
Click on each, and look for the one with
a "DisplayString" of "BMI". Then
look at the "LibraryPath" entry in the same folder, and that will give you
the path to the program's DLL. With luck, that path will give you an idea
of what the program that installed it is, and you can then try option A.

****Don't delete the entry, you can really mess yourself up. Let a spyware
remover or the program's own uninstaller remove it, to make sure that
everything is done cleanly. If you can't figure out the program to
uninstall, and a spyware remover doesn't pull it out, post back here.

Also post back here if you have any problems with the process, if none of
this fixes your problem, or just to let us know that pulling it out fixed
you up.


This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.

S. Hyde said:
Thanks for the reply. ipconfig /release and /renew does
not fix the problem unfortunately. Also, it looks like
the results of winmsd are all MSAFT or RSVP. Just in
case, I am attaching the details below. Thanks again for
your assistance as this continues to be an aggravating
problem for me.

Name BMI over [MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP]]



Matt DuBois [MSFT]

Not knowing anything about the possible bug, I couldn't say. The reason I
suggested a Winsock layered service provider (LSP) might be the culprit is
that nslookup worked while resolving from ping and other programs did not.
There are LSPs out there whose sole purpose in life is to look out just for
certain domain suffixes and redirect name resolution requests for those
domain suffixes to their own DNS servers. A bug in something like that,
that was only poking its hands in DNS and not any other things would make a
lot of sense in this case. Since the connections nslookup and ping by IP
made would still work (since they are essentially just passthroughs) and
just DNS would be broken, and the LSP only messes with DNS, the conclusion
almost makes itself. Maybe the Sprint PCS Connection Manager does something
like that too and the bug is really there. Whether another bug in the
Listen or Accept path could act like you say I don't know, but bugs can be
really strange so it is certainly possible.

Post back with the results either way, so that someone searching Google that
finds this thread can either have their culprit or know they need to keep

This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.

S. Hyde said:

Thank you for providing a good lead on what my problem
may be. I did figure out what the "BMI over" is. BMI is
a Winsock Transport installed by the Sprint PCS
Connection Manager. This is a tool designed to provide
direct Internet Service over your cell phone (no dialing

I have uninstalled this software and we'll see how it
goes. I found an obscure post in a yahoo newsgroup
(thanks to google) that mentioned a possible bug in the
BMI winsock transport. If this was the problem then DNS
never had anything to do with it, right? I think this
would actually be an error in the Listen and/or Accept
socket. Am I on track here?

Thanks again!
-----Original Message-----
It looks like you do have something plugged into your Winsock, but I know
the list of stuff there can sometimes be a bit overwhelming.. The entries
where the name starts with "BMI over" indicate a component named BMI has
layered itself in there over the default components. A quick Google search
hasn't turned up anything on that name, so I'm not sure what it is. You have
a couple of ways you can proceed from here:

A) If you know what "BMI" is, uninstall it, and look for a newer version
before reinstalling.
B) Run a spyware removal tool (Google can help you find one - Spybot and Ad
Aware seem to be two frequently mentioned ones on the newsgroups) and see if
it tags this as spyware. The newest versions of each should be able to
safely remove it if it is spyware.
C) If you don't want to run a spyware removal tool (or if that doesn't
work), and you don't know what installed BMI, you can try and figure it out
yourself. Open up the registry editor and go to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\WinSock2 \Parameters\NameSpa

Under Catalog_Entries, you'll see some folders numbered 000000000001, etc.
Click on each, and look for the one with
a "DisplayString" of "BMI". Then
look at the "LibraryPath" entry in the same folder, and that will give you
the path to the program's DLL. With luck, that path will give you an idea
of what the program that installed it is, and you can then try option A.

****Don't delete the entry, you can really mess yourself up. Let a spyware
remover or the program's own uninstaller remove it, to make sure that
everything is done cleanly. If you can't figure out the program to
uninstall, and a spyware remover doesn't pull it out, post back here.

Also post back here if you have any problems with the process, if none of
this fixes your problem, or just to let us know that pulling it out fixed
you up.


This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.

S. Hyde said:
Thanks for the reply. ipconfig /release and /renew does
not fix the problem unfortunately. Also, it looks like
the results of winmsd are all MSAFT or RSVP. Just in
case, I am attaching the details below. Thanks again for
your assistance as this continues to be an aggravating
problem for me.

Name BMI over [MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP]]




Did you ever figure this problem out? I have the exact
same problem, except with windows XP home. I reboot and
have network connections for a little while and then it
seems like DNS is gone and unable to be retrieved.

Any help would be cool.

-----Original Message-----
Thanks for the reply. ipconfig /release and /renew does
not fix the problem unfortunately. Also, it looks like
the results of winmsd are all MSAFT or RSVP. Just in
case, I am attaching the details below. Thanks again for
your assistance as this continues to be an aggravating
problem for me.

Name BMI over [MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP]]
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 0 bytes
Message Oriented No
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data Yes
Supports Graceful Closing Yes
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name BMI over [MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IP]]
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 63.93 KB (65,467 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting Yes

Name BMI over [RSVP UDP Service Provider]
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 63.93 KB (65,467 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption Yes
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting Yes

Name BMI over [RSVP TCP Service Provider]
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 0 bytes
Message Oriented No
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption Yes
Supports Expedited Data Yes
Supports Graceful Closing Yes
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP]
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 0 bytes
Message Oriented No
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data Yes
Supports Graceful Closing Yes
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IP]
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 63.93 KB (65,467 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting Yes

Name RSVP UDP Service Provider
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 63.93 KB (65,467 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption Yes
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting Yes

Name RSVP TCP Service Provider
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 0 bytes
Message Oriented No
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption Yes
Supports Expedited Data Yes
Supports Graceful Closing Yes
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD Pgm (RDM)
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 2.00 GB (2,147,483,647 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing Yes
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting Yes

Name MSAFD Pgm (Stream)
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 16 bytes
Maximum Message Size 0 bytes
Message Oriented No
Minimum Address Size 16 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented Yes
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing Yes
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting Yes

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{879BF85B-4690-
45F7-AD7D-8D34955C86E3}] SEQPACKET 0
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{879BF85B-4690-
45F7-AD7D-8D34955C86E3}] DATAGRAM 0
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{91096582-00B6-
418B-AEE4-E2A5312106FB}] SEQPACKET 1
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{91096582-00B6-
418B-AEE4-E2A5312106FB}] DATAGRAM 1
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{ACE851B5-8DB8-
47C9-9729-FD813D2C387C}] SEQPACKET 2
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{ACE851B5-8DB8-
47C9-9729-FD813D2C387C}] DATAGRAM 2
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{FC5BDD8D-2574-
4B3E-855D-4A3861D79F0F}] SEQPACKET 3
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{FC5BDD8D-2574-
4B3E-855D-4A3861D79F0F}] DATAGRAM 3
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{4DB969A3-55BB-
4BAE-809C-13A2E26DC721}] SEQPACKET 4
Connectionless Service No
Guarantees Delivery Yes
Guarantees Sequencing Yes
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting No
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No

Name MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{4DB969A3-55BB-
4BAE-809C-13A2E26DC721}] DATAGRAM 4
Connectionless Service Yes
Guarantees Delivery No
Guarantees Sequencing No
Maximum Address Size 20 bytes
Maximum Message Size 62.50 KB (64,000 bytes)
Message Oriented Yes
Minimum Address Size 20 bytes
Pseudo Stream Oriented No
Supports Broadcasting Yes
Supports Connect Data No
Supports Disconnect Data No
Supports Encryption No
Supports Expedited Data No
Supports Graceful Closing No
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth Yes
Supports Multicasting No
-----Original Message-----
A couple of items to check out:

If you do "ipconfig /release" followed
by "ipconfig /renew" can you resolve
DNS again?

Open up "winmsd", expand Components, Networking and click on Protocol.
Scroll through the list (it may be long) and see if any of the Names listed
there start with anything besides MSAFD or RSVP. If so, select all of the
text in the protocol window (click in the pane with the results, then go to
the Edit menu and pick Select All), and paste it into a reply to this

Some of the peer to peer file sharing apps install plug ins that mess with
this list. Some of those plug-ins intercept DNS requests for certain top
level domains and redirect them to their own servers. If there were a
problem with that plug-in, it could interfere with all of your DNS
resolution done by the OS. In that case, nslookup would still function,
since it is a program that goes out and does the lookup itself rather than
going through the process the OS uses.

You could also do a Google search on the name(s) that you find, and likely
will come up with more than a few links on how to remove the offending
program. Popular Spyware removal tools can detect most of these and remove
them also, though it is always a good idea to make sure you have the most
current version first.

This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.


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